Chapter 33

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Happy Birthday Princey💜💜

La da da da da da da da

🦋Armanda🦋August 20, 1992

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August 20, 1992

"Manda I want you to meet someone!" Michael shouts from the door.

"I'll call you back Mom. Love you" I hung up the phone after she responded then walked to the door.

"This is Lisa Marie Presley. A friend of mines" Michael smiles.

"Hi I'm Armanda it's nice to meet you" I shook her hand.

"Hey I love your music." She smiles. "This is my daughter Danielle Riley"

"Hey Riley" I got to her level as she hugged me. She looked around Amiir's age.

"Hi. My mommy listens to your music. You're very pretty" Riley cheeses.

"Aww thank you. You're pretty also."

"It's nice to see you again Michael" Lisa said.

"Likewise, you have a beautiful daughter she looks just like you" Mike compliments.

"Yea we get that a lot. I have another one on the way. I'm due in October. It's a boy" She took off her jacket and showed us her bump.

"Oh wow. Congratulations" I smile

"Thanks. Armanda when are you having more kids? Amiir is such a beautiful little boy"

"Sometime soon" I nodded.

"Armanda can we go play at the park?" Riley asks.

"If it's okay with your mom"

"Go head. Riley don't run Armanda tired she has a show later" Lisa warns then kisses her daughter's cheek.



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