Chapter 10

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I wanna keep U 4 the rest of my life

I wanna keep U 4 the rest of my life

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January 2,1987

In the morning I ran to turn the tv on to watch Prince's interview. The girls were still here, they were awake before me. I was still in my towel cause I just out the shower.

"Your man on television" Jill smirks.

"Turn it up" I screamed.

I was still happy from the night before when Prince told me he loved me for the first time. The butterflies were fluttering all night as the moment replayed in my head over and over.

"We have a very special guest here today! Here we have Prince!" The host Terry Davie announced.

Prince came out as the crowd cheered

"How you doing Prince?" He asked shaking Prince's hand.

"I'm doing great" He smiled.

"It's great to have you on the show. So we hear that you have an album coming up, what is it about? What's it's called"

"It's called Sign O The Times. It's a great album I think the fam would like it. My girlfriend does, half the songs are written about her" he winked.

"Girlfriend? Is your girlfriend the one on the cover holding the black heart mirror or is that you? It kind of confused us when Warner Bros dropped the album cover"

"The woman holding the mirror is Cat Glover a good friend of mine. She's also the choreographer for the tour with my girlfriend Armanda. Armanda is the inside of the album standing next to me." He responded.

I loved when Prince called me his girlfriend. It made me tingle inside.

"Armanda Kings? The model who was featured in Michael Jackson's video. I heard she's Michael's Bestfriend does that cause problems at the dinner table?" Terry asked. "I also heard Armanda's sister Coco is Michael's girlfriend. How was thanksgiving?"

The crowd laughed along with Prince. I'm glad he wasn't taking none of this serious. That's what I loved about Prince he was humble and mature when it came to public interviews. I'm surprise he even did interviews because of how shy he was.

"There is no problem between me and Mr.Jackson and Yes Armanda Kings is my girlfriend" he smiled. "She's the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm glad she came in my life"

"Y'all saw that his eyes lit up! Prince is in love" Terry teased.

"Not afraid to say it." He cheesed as a photograph of me came on the screen.

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