Chapter 11

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All that is wrong in my world

All that is wrong in my world

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June 29,1987

"Prince it's suppose to be raining later" I said looking at the weather channel. "We still performing?"

"The show must go on" He responded putting his cup of tea down.

While on the tour in Europe I really haven't spoke to my family members. Every time I called nobody answered. I knew they were still okay because if not Michael would've called me. I missed them but it's nothing I could've did about it.

The hotel phone ringed as Prince answered it.

"Hello?" I walked to him and sat on his lap laying my head on his chest. He placed his chin on my head and rubbed my back. "What?.....She's right here...Tonight?....Whatever okay"

He hung up the phone, he picked me up as he got out the seat. For a small man he was very strong. He walked over to the counter and placed me on top while he was standing in between my legs.

"You're mother and my stepfather along with my mother are coming to the show" He huffed. He looked stressed out and upset.

"At least I get to finally meet your mother" I smiled. He gave me a half smile and planted his face into my neck.

He wasn't even doing anything but standing there and it still turned me on. Me and Prince haven't had sex since the tour started last month. He was so busy with meetings, photoshoots, the label and everything. We didn't have that type of special time to ourselves. We get off the stage then get on a bus to the next show. We tried to have quickies but a jealous baboon named Sheila E always comes and ruins it for us. I'm convinced she does it on purpose cause it happens every time.

Then Prince is already working on another album called the Black Album. I walked in on him in the studio while he was doing. The album sounded very dark and weird but it's Prince nothing is normal about him. I'm starting to worry about him, he's not really acting like Prince. He's been spacing out and being more quiet than usual. He'll usually be cracking jokes with the band or bothering me, lately he hasn't.



"Go to bed babe" I said. It was only 5am though. We didn't have rehearsals til 1. He helped me down from the counter and pulled me to the bed with him.

He laid on top of me wrapping his arms around my body.

"Armanda don't ever leave me" He mumbled.

"I wouldn't even think of it." I rubbed his back. I noticed he was burning up. "Prince are you sick?"

"No" He said. I felt his forehead, it was hot and sweaty. He barely had on clothes, just silk pajama bottoms.

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