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I found myself overcome with tears, the salty streams mingling with blood as they flowed from my mouth and into the sink. Startled, Steve and Natasha burst into the bathroom, pushing Bucky aside to reach me. Still sobbing, Natasha handed me a towel and enveloped me in a comforting embrace. Meanwhile, Steve ushered Bucky outside, where they engaged in an intense conversation.

After a brief five minutes, I mustered the strength to join them, only to witness Steve and Bucky locked in a tight, heartfelt embrace. Feeling drawn to their embrace, I attempted to retreat, but they pulled me into their warm and secure hug. The chill of February clung to the air, the snowflakes dancing around us, as tears continued to stream down my face. Bucky, however, caught sight of my silent tears and knelt before me, his gaze meeting mine.

With genuine concern, he softly asked, "Y/n, is everything alright? I'm so, so sorry, doll..."

Nodding in response, I wrapped my arms tightly around him, causing us both to stumble and tumble into the snow. As we stood up, I became aware of the gaze of everyone around us, fixated on our intimate moment. Overwhelmed, I sought refuge in the bathroom, hastily locking the door behind me. Previously unlocked for communal use, the bathroom now became my solitary sanctuary.

Within those confines, my emotions surged, and thoughts of Mia, Sophie, Flash, Liz, MJ, my parents, and even my birth parents flooded my mind. The weight of it all fueled a growing aggression, compelling me to strike out at the mirror, shattering its fragile surface. Fear gripped me, not only for the shards of glass but also for my fathers' potential anger. In a panic, I turned the shower on, the frigid water pelting down on me, mimicking the cascade of my tears.

After enduring a seemingly endless twenty minutes, the sound of distant voices crept into my ears. Suddenly, someone forcefully kicked down the door, and there stood Tony, his eyes widening as he discovered me, crying and bleeding in the shower. Without hesitation, he scooped me up, urgently shouting, "She's here!"

Steve hurried to my side, and in that very moment, my consciousness slipped away.

When I awoke, I found myself nestled on the couch, cocooned in multiple blankets. Bucky, with tears in his eyes, noticed my return to consciousness and softly whispered, "Hey, hey, hey, doll... How are you feeling? Are you cold? Can you feel everything, baby?"

Steve grasped Bucky's arm, urging him to allow me space. I struggled to articulate a response, my neck, mouth, and body aching with pain. Tears welled up once again, but Steve intervened, enveloping me in a comforting embrace. Bucky soon joined, and together, they cradled me in their arms, lulling me back to sleep.

Approximately two hours later, I stirred, greeted by the presence of Natasha and Wanda. In a tired and hushed voice, I inquired, "Where are my dads?" Natasha tenderly stroked my hair, while Wanda went in search of my fathers. The living room soon filled with the arrival of all the Avengers, and Bruce had returned as well.

In that room, I found solace, feeling safe and protected in the arms of Steve and Bucky. Concerned for my well-being, Steve checked my temperature with the back of his hand, confirming my fever. The room grew warm, and perspiration coated my skin. Tony, ever direct, demanded answers, his frustration evident.

Thor interjected, suggesting we allow me to rest, while Loki emphasized the limitations of our knowledge. "We aren't doctors," he exclaimed, frustration coloring his voice. "And Bruce isn't here to assist us!"

Attempting to diffuse the tension, Bucky reassured Loki, emphasizing that fever did not necessitate medical intervention. A faint, weak chuckle escaped me as I tightly held onto Steve's hand. Bucky expressed his concern, questioning my actions with genuine care. Weighed down by exhaustion, my eyelids grew heavy, and I slipped back into slumber.

This respite, however, proved short-lived, as nightmares plagued my rest, jolting me awake, screaming and crying. Bucky's arms enveloped me, offering me security as I gasped for air, my breath coming in ragged bursts. He tenderly stroked my hair, and I mustered the strength to sit up.

Seeking to comfort me, Steve returned with tea and soup. I consumed the warm sustenance, finding solace in their presence. As we cuddled together, they decided to play the movie Titanic. A fleeting moment of laughter danced between us, but soon tears welled up, and we found ourselves locked in a group embrace.

With everyone now present, Bruce took it upon himself to check my temperature. I managed a feeble smile as I snuggled closer to my fathers.

"38.9, a little too high," Bruce remarked, concern etched on his face.

As the day wore on, I remained ensconced within their arms, finding comfort and a sense of belonging. They listened intently as I shared my apology and confessed my feelings of uselessness, recounting the sequence of events that had led me to the bathroom. Bucky, deeply remorseful, repeatedly apologized, his tears mingling with mine.

The room cleared, allowing me space to heal, but not before Peter and I engaged in a lighthearted debate over the fate of Jack in Titanic. Laughter resonated through the room until a fit of coughing overtook me, causing me to vomit. Expecting this, my fathers quickly ushered me to the bathroom, guiding me back to the safety of the couch once I had recovered.

In the aftermath, Tony's inquisitive gaze met mine, and I found myself unable to meet it, averting my eyes to the floor. With a whisper, I confessed, "I think I will just tell my dads..."

Recognizing the weight of my words, each person nodded solemnly and departed, leaving me alone with Steve and Bucky. In that vulnerability, I stuttered out an apology, expressing my remorse for causing trouble and my imperfections. They held me even tighter, reassuring me that there was no need to apologize, that they were the ones who should be sorry.

Bucky, his voice heavy with regret, uttered, "Baby doll, don't say sorry... I'm really sorry, okay? I never wanted to hurt you like that. I'm so, so sorry..."

Nodding in acceptance, I allowed myself to release my pent-up emotions, crying into his comforting shoulder while Steve and Bucky enveloped me in their love. Bruce, seizing the moment, approached to take my temperature, ensuring my well-being.

With the passing hours, the Avengers remained by my side, offering unwavering support. In the embrace of my fathers, I found solace, allowing their love to mend my wounded soul.

Stucky's daughter जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें