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~y/n pov~

Police:„y/n...could you tell us what happened?"

Y/n:„i...i really don't know...I uhm was walking to school...and h-he asked me where the kindergarden is..."

Police:„and what did you tell him?"

Y/n:„that it's n-next to my school..."

Police:„and he started walking with you?"

I nodded and looked down at my legs.

Police:„what happened after he started walking with you?"

Y/n:„i saw that he was looking at me...then he pushed me into his car and hit me over the head with a glass..."

Police:„can I take a look?"

I nodded and he looked at my head.

Police:„yeah...looks like a hard hit! So you felt unconscious?"

I nodded again and saw how my dad's looked at me.

Police:„we need more details! Just tell us what happened!"

Y/n:„i woke up...in a room with a bed, sink and toilet..."

Police:„you ran away once...right? You screamed after help!"

Y/n:„yes...but then they didn't put me into the room again but into the basement!"

Police:„did you had something to eat?"


Police:„did they hurt you?"



Y/n:„he was punching me...or slapping!"

Police:„alright...one last question...did you got sexually abused?"

I staid quite for a few minutes...maybe I was scared to answer or scared what my dad's would tell me...maybe I was embarrassed!



Police:„did you got sexually abused?"

Y/n:„i don't know what you mean exactly..."

Police:„did he touched you?"

Y/n:„yes! I already told you..."

Steve:„princess...you know what he wants to know!"

I nodded and looked down at my dad's hands.

Police:„y/n please! We just want to help you..."


I felt my dad's looking at me and I started getting tears.

Police:„what did he do?"

I didn't want to answer and started playing around with my hair.

Police:„alright...mr.rogers mr.barnes, can we talk?"

They walked out and I started crying.

~steve pov~

Police:„she should talk to her psychologist!"

Steve:„yes...i will call her!"

The police walked out and we walked over to y/n.

Steve:„you can tell us what happened princess...we will take care of you!"

She shook her head and walked to the others.

Bucky:„you think he raped her?"

Steve:„i hope he just touched her...but I hope he didn't do anything to her!"

Bucky:„i feel bad for her!"

Y/n was still crying and I saw how Natasha hugged her and walked into her room with her.

~y/n pov~

Natasha gave me a tissue and hugged me tighter.

As I sat down on her bed we laid down and she started talking with me until I stopped crying.

Nat:„we can make a deal..."


Nat:„i will tell you a secret...if you tell me yours..."

I nodded and she sat up.

Nat:„alright...i am not straight..."

Y/n:„wait what?"


Y/n:„thats amazing! Who is the lucky girl?"


Y/n:„maria Hill?! Omg! I'm gonna freak out!"

Nat:„alright...now tell me what happened!"

Y/n:„im scared! I'm scared that someone will touch me again! I'm scared that someone will take my clothes off again! I'm scared that my dad's will hate me! I'm scared that my dad's will leave me! I'm scared!"

Nat:„i know you are...but what did he do to you?"

Y/n:„he raped me!"

She looked shocked and bit her bottom lip.


Y/n:„he took my clothes off! In this basement! And just did it! I- I- can't tell my d-dads!"

Nat:„of course you can!"

Y/n:„no! I can't! Papa got raped too! And that is like I want attention!"

Nat:„no! It isn't!"

She stroked over my arm and I started crying.

Nat:„shhhh...we know you were trough a lot sweetie!"

We laid down and I felt asleep on her chest.

~nat pov~

I moved y/n aside and walked out.

Wanda was on the couch and looked at me sadly.

Wanda:„i can read minds Nat!"

Nat:„its horrible...what if she's pregnant?!"

Wanda:„no! She's too young!"

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