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After a time I didn't had the nightmares cause my dad was sent to prison.

There was another story...maybe a little bit embarrassing...

Well I turned 12 a week ago...

I just came home from school and said hi but obviously my dad's didn't hear me...

As I walked into the kitchen I saw them naked on the kitchen island doing you know what...

I fastly covered my eyes with my hands and ran upstairs.

Steve:„y/n come out..."

I didn't talk to them the whole day until I got hungry and went downstairs to eat something, suddenly they were sitting there so I wanted to run upstairs but then Steve grabbed my arm and sat me down infront of them.

Steve:„we are sorry princess..."

Bucky:„yeah! You really shouldn't see this..."

I didn't look them into the eyes cause it was embarrassing for me.

They told me something about ✨the thing they did✨

And to be honest I really didn't want to be there.

An week later I forgot it and started talking with them normally again.

Some time after they adopted me they got married...it was the prettiest wedding I have ever seen.

⚠️Time pass! (116) read it again if you can't remember!⚠️

~steve pov~

We brought y/n upstairs and then walked back downstairs.

Peter:„those were cool stories mr.rogers!"

I smiled and felt how Bucky hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek while whispering into my ear:„i love you so so so much darling..."

I remembered how I told the story about how Bucky proposed to me and as he wrapped his arms around my chest I looked at the beautiful rings we had on our finger.

Steve:„i love you more buck..."

I whispered back.

Bucky:„we are going to sleep guys! Good night!"

Tony:„yeah I'm pretty tired too!"

Everyone went to bed after some time so Bucky dragged me upstairs.

Steve:„i don't wanna go to sleep..."

Bucky:„you really love me?"


I looked at him with a strict face.

Bucky:„alright...sorry love..."

He kissed my cheek and threw me on the bed.

He jumped up on the bed and started pulling my shirt off.

Steve:„we can't y/n is sleeping!"

Bucky:„oh *kiss* c'mon *kiss* she *kiss* won't *kiss* wake *kiss* up! *Kiss*"

He pulled away after I didn't say anything.

Bucky:„i swear i will be quite!"


He undressed me and started kissing me.

After we talked about all that what happened in the past, he was super kind to me and lovely...

Well and after you know what, I gave him a kiss and he felt asleep on top of me.

~Y/n pov~

I woke up at 6am and of course I heard them the whole night!

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