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~1 hour later~

Natasha:„sweetie open the door for me...please!"


Wanda:„ c'mon we didn't do anything wrong!"

Y/n:„i want to be alone!"

The whole day I was just sitting on my bed and drawing.

~8 pm~

Steve:„honey...open the door please..."


Steve:„food is ready!"


Bucky:„ c'mon we know it's hard and maybe a little bit embarrassing that everyone knows that but it's normal!"

Y/n:„a little bit embarrassing?!"

Steve:„alright sorry...just come downstairs whenever you're ready...food will be ready in 5 minutes..."

~10 minutes later~

I came downstairs and saw everyone eating.

Natasha:„y/n...i uhm yeah c'mon sit here !"

I sat down between her and Bucky cause it was the only seat what was left.

After the food I wanted to walk upstairs but Bucky hugged me and whispered:„ c'mon...what about watching a movie? Just me, you and dad?..."

I nodded and walked into their room.

~10 minutes later~

They came into the room and saw me on the bed with my phone.

Steve:„so...what are we gonna watch?"

Y/n:„i don't know...maybe Charlie and the chocolate factory?"

Bucky:„yeah sounds great!"

They put the film on but after 10-20 minutes I felt asleep.

Bucky:„well...she likes to fall asleep!"


In the next second I turned around and hugged Bucky's metal arm tightly.

Steve:„she likes your arm..."

Bucky;„yeah! We should just let her sleep here for today..."

Steve nodded and they cuddled up with me.

After a while I started whining so Steve put his hands on my back and I stopped.

He was rubbing my back until the movie ended.



Y/n:„goodnight i love you..."

Steve:„i love you too princess..."

He kissed my forehead and I cuddled more up to them.

~8 am~

I felt that I was laying on Bucky who was stroking my hair and rubbing my back.

Bucky:„we should do something today!"

Steve:„yeah...but tomorrow we are going to Mrs. McLane!"

He nodded and kissed the top of my head.


Bucky:„morning doll..."

I stood up and went to my room to change.

After that I walked downstairs and made myself a croissant (quakson) with some toping.



He hugged me and I saw Mj behind him.


Y/n:„hi! Uhm do you want something to eat?"

Mj:„i don't know yeah...! Sure!"

Y/n:„alright i will get you something!"

She nodded and sat down.

After 5 minutes I came back with a plate full of food.

Mj:„thanks !"

Y/n:„no Problem! Uhm...see you later?"

Mj:„mhm! Sure!"

I finished my breakfast and ran upstairs again.

Bucky:„hey...uhm what about doing something fun today?"

Y/n:„yeah what?"

Bucky:„play games...watch movies just do a chill day! Me you and dad just we three ok?"

Y/n:„sounds fun...I will be downstairs in a minute!"

After I heard the word chill day I wanted to wear something else so I changed again into a hoodie with sweatpants.

Steve:„so let's start the day?"


Steve:„so Plans?"

Y/n:„lets start with a car trip!!"


Y/n:„well we will drive somewhere! And I don't know if we see something fun than we will do it!"

Bucky:„sounds great let's go!"

So this day we went to McDonald's, played games, watched movies and so on.

~8 pm~

Steve:„baby! Come downstairs food is ready!"


I ran downstairs and sat down between Steve and Bucky.

After food I went to my room.

~11 pm~

Bucky:„doll... sleeping time!"

Y/n:„im not tired yet!"

Bucky:„oh c'mon please!"

I laid down they gave me a kiss but I still couldn't sleep.

So I didn't slept the whole night.




Hope y'all like it!

Love y'all ❤️

Stucky's daughter Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ