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~y/n pov~

My dad was so sad yesterday...I felt broken when I saw him crying...maybe it was my fault...my dad's car pulled over.

still engrossed in my thoughts i didn't saw them at all...then steve came to me and said hello.

my head shot up and my eyes met his.

y/n: "Hi!"

Steve: "Come on..."

He took my school bag and we got in his car.

i wanted to run upstairs to my room but my dads called me back.

I went back to them and they looked at the floor.

steve:"y/n...you heard the argument yesterday...and we've now decided to move into our old house for at least a week..."


Bucky: "We're sorry Dolly..."


steve:"is it really ok for you?"

y/n:"yeah sure...why not? it's our old house! I grew up there!"

my dads smiled and when we all said goodbye we drove home.

Y/n:„omg! I missed it so much!"

I walked up into my room and started cleaning it up.

~steve pov~

I was doing food while Bucky hugged me from behind.

He grabbed me by my hips and started moving them slowly from left to right.

I just smiled and after a while y/n came down too.

As we were about to start eating, there was a knock on the door.

bucky opened it and we saw tony.

He waved at me and I put the rest of the food on the table.

steve:"what's up tony?"

tony:"I wanted to apologize..."

y/n:"do you want to sit down?"

He sat down on the couch and I sat down next to him.

Tony: "I'm really sorry...I don't know what's been wrong with me lately...I just hate everyone for no reason! I just wanted to apologize..."

steve:"so if you expect us to go back to the compound now...no! but I forgive you..."

Bucky grabbed my shoulder a little harder.

I could feel the metal edging into my skin and not letting go.

I looked back and he let go of me.

bucky:"would you like to have dinner with us?"

steve:"yes we have enough!"

Tony: "No! Later I have a date with Pepper!"

Y/n whistled in the back and tony chuckled.


Y/n:„yeah sorry..."

Tony:„no it's fine..."

After a while he walked out and we started eating.

Y/n started doing her homework and we both walked upstairs to watch a movie.

Bucky:„you know what?"


Bucky:„I think tony is in such a bad mood because he has a deprivation!"

steve:"what deprivation?"

bucky:"think about it! Sex deprivation! i think pepper is tired of him!"

steve: "could be...imagine you're going to have a sex deprivation now!"

Bucky: "Come on!"

I staid still and laughed.

bucky:"You're not serious, are you? Are you? stevie! please don't do this to me!"

steve:"yeah, just kidding! I could never see you that upset!"

he kissed me and i laughed.

After the movie y/n was done with her homework too and we walked out.

~7 pm~

Bucky started doing dinner while I did some paper work and y/n was doing something on her phone.

We ate dinner and then watched a movie together.

~10 pm~

Y/n went to sleep so we gave her a kiss and closed the door behind us.

Bucky:„i missed this house..."

Steve:„same! But I miss the compound too!"

Bucky:„yeah but now...we have just time for us..."

Steve:„yeah...and that's good right?"


Steve:„no no no! Just kidding!"

He kissed my cheek and we walked into our room.

After a quick shower we both laid down and went to sleep.

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