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Steve:„buck plea-"

I covered his mouth with my hand and whispered into his ear:„shut up handsome! Don't say anything! Just look into the mirror at us!"

He looked up again and saw how I slowly pulled his pants down.

My hand was still covering his mouth and his hands were on the mirror.

I pressed his body more to the sink and he bent over.

Bucky:„good boy!"

I slapped his ass harshly five times and he moaned into my hand.

Bucky:„yeah I know you like it! Look at you!"

He looked up again and moaned cause I put his boxers down and slapped his ass again harder then last time.


Bucky:„shhh darling!"

He looked at us in the mirror again and my hand which was still covering his moaning mouth.

He groaned loudly as I pushed into him harshly and fastly.

I pulled his head back by his hair and kissed him passionately.

He moaned into the kiss what made me moan too.

Bucky:„let me look at your beautiful face!"

I turned him around, picked him up and sat him down on the sink.

After that he let himself fall forward into my arms.

Bucky:„come here love..."

I picked him up and he wrapped his arms and legs around me.

Of course I wrote my name on his back again but not just on his back but on his arms, ass, legs and abs.

He had tears in his eyes cause it was harder then yesterday so I slowly put him into the tub and prepared a new hoodie and sweatpants for him.

Then I sat down next to him on a chair and started washing him.

Steve:„why don't you go into the tub with me?"

Bucky:„i must clean up the mess you did..."

He looked up at me and I put a kiss on his forehead.

Bucky:„everything ok? Should I bring you something?"

Steve:„i don't know..."

When he was done I gave him a towel and started drying his hair.

After he was completely dry, warm and comfortable I picked him up and put him on the bed.

Bucky:„i will get us breakfast!"


I took his chin and pulled him into a kiss, then I walked downstairs.

Nat:„morning Barnes!"




Nat:„how was it?"


Nat:„the walls are thin!"

She giggled and patted my shoulder.

Bucky:„i uhm just gonna make breakfast!"

I made breakfast and walked upstairs again.

Steve:„looks delicious!"

I smiled and put on a movie while still cleaning up the bathroom.

Steve:„sorry that I made such a mess there!"

Bucky:„you are like a teenager Steve!"

He laughed and I walked up to him when I finished.

Jarvis:„Mr.Stark wants you all in the meeting room! In 5 minutes."

Steve stood up 4 minutes later with a groan and I giggled while helping him.

Bucky:„you really can't take anything!"

Steve:„oh really?"

He laughed and we walked downstairs.

Tony has already started talking and then we walked in.

Tony:„oh look who's coming! Late!"

Steve:„tony! It was just a minute!"

Tony:„whatever! Sit down!"

We sat down and the whole meeting I was stroking over Steve's thighs.

He looked back at me and smiled.

Tony:„and cause of that! We will have a mission!"

Bucky:„cause of what?"

I didn't want to ask it but it just came out.

Tony:„are you so dumb or are you just trying to make me angry? Sometimes I think that your brain was in your arm you don't have anymore!"

Bucky:„sorry I just couldn't concentrate! I-"

Tony:„well if you would pay more attention to listen to me then fucking Rogers you would understand it!"

Steve:„tony stop!please..."

Tony:„last time for you! Hydra is attacking us! Cause of that we will have a mission!"

I felt tears in my eyes but tried not to cry.

Tony:„the meeting is over!"

Steve stood up with a groan again and we walked upstairs.

~steve pov~

I felt bad for Bucky...I knew that tony isn't that mean but the winter soldier killed his parents and now he lives here and doesn't pay attention to his meetings...

I wanted to say something but then Bucky walked out.

Steve:„buck wait!"

I slowly walked after him but he was already outside.


I yelled after him but he ignored me.

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