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Thor's grip on my arm was tight as he dragged me back to my room where my dad's were waiting. Anger was burning in my eyes as I glared at them, and they returned my gaze with sternness. Steve's voice was laced with frustration as he snapped at me, telling me not to look at them like that. My retort was equally defiant, refusing to back down.

Bucky handed me some clothes, but I turned away, refusing to cooperate. His persistence only fueled my stubbornness as I demanded them to leave. They relented, hoping I would change my mind, but I remained seated, still fuming.

After ten minutes, they returned with Wanda and Natasha, trying to help me change my wet clothes. I lashed out, kicking Wanda and running away from the room. But Bucky wasn't having it; he caught me and dragged me back, ignoring my protests.

Finally, I changed my clothes, but I couldn't shake off the fear and resentment. My dads brought bags of food, trying to coax me into eating. But I refused, letting my anger cloud my judgment.

My dad's left again, and I found solace with Peter, watching a movie and eating together. I felt safe with him, forgetting my worries for a moment. But my peace was short-lived as I was soon haunted by a terrifying nightmare.

In the dream, my dad pointed a gun at me, and the fear was paralyzing. I woke up flinching and panicked, running into the bathroom to escape. My dad's tried to comfort me, but I kept them at arm's length, desperately needing space.

Unable to bear my fears, I sought comfort in Loki's embrace, begging everyone else to leave. My dad's were worried and concerned, trying to understand what I had dreamt. Tearfully, I admitted that my dad shot me in the nightmare.

Bucky assured me that he would never hurt me, but my fear was hard to shake off. Steve held me close as I cried, trying to ease my distress. Eventually, I fell asleep in Bucky's arms, finding some comfort there.

The night turned into morning, and my dad's received the test results, confirming that I had contracted COVID-19. Panic filled the room, and I felt a wave of guilt. My dad's were worried and, suddenly, my health became their priority.

I tried to escape the tension by going to the bathroom, but my dad's were vigilant, not wanting me to be alone. They handled the situation with care, knowing the severity of the situation.

The uncertainty and fear of my condition hung heavy in the air, and my dad's were grappling with their emotions. Despite the seriousness of the situation, there were still moments of laughter and camaraderie, trying to lighten the mood.

I leaned on Bucky for support, feeling both scared and comforted by his presence. Amidst the chaos, there was a sense of unity as everyone came together to face the situation head-on. My dad's assured me they would take care of me, and I clung to their words, finding solace in their love.

The fear of the unknown was palpable, but with my dad's by my side, I felt a glimmer of hope. The road ahead was uncertain, but I knew I wasn't alone in this battle. We would face it together, as a family, no matter what challenges lay ahead.
Love you all cuties



Have a nice day guys

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