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~y/n pov~


I woke up and dad drove me to school after breakfast.

before i went to class, one of my teachers stopped me and gave me a piece of paper.

Teacher: "Please get that signed! because of your lateness yesterday!"

I nodded and went to class.

~bucky pov~

I was making breakfast for Steve and walked upstairs.

Bucky:„steve...I made you breakfast!"

Steve:„thank you love..."

He sat up and looked at me with his glassy, red eyes.

Bucky:„can I take your temperature?"


I took his temperature, of course he had a very high fever.

Bucky:„i will be here in a minute!"


He started eating a little bit but put the food aside after some bites.



I gave him a kiss and he cuddled up with his blankets.

I took his hand and didn't let go for an hour.

Steve:„you don't have to hold me anymore..."

Bucky:„im here Steve ..."

He stood up and ran to the toilet to throw up.

I rubbed his back and he whimpered.

Bucky:„it will be fine....it's gonna be ok!"


He leaned against me and put his head on my chest.

Bucky:„come on let's get you back to bed..."

Steve:„will you stay?"

Bucky:„no! You must sleep darling!"


I put him to bed and walked downstairs, sat down on a armchair and started reading a book.

Some minutes later I put the book away and was about to fell asleep cause I hate books...and they're boring!

I felt how Steve laid down on me and put his blanket around us.

Bucky:„i told you to stay in bed..."

Steve:„i told you to stay with me..."

I put my arms around his body, to hold him tight so he wouldn't fell off of my lap and we felt asleep.

Some hours later I woke up and saw Steve still sleeping on my lap snoring lightly.

with the back of my hand i tried if steve still had a very high fever...unfortunately yes, so i got up without waking him up and laid him down on the couch.


Bucky:„shhhh...I'm gonna make lunch...and pick up y/n..."


He gave me a kiss and I started cooking.

~y/n pov~

My dad picked me up and drove home.

Y/n:„where is daddy?"

Bucky:„he's at home...he has a high fever so be a little bit quite alright?"


We arrived and I walked inside.

Steve was laying on the couch, sweating and snoring lightly.

Bucky:„food is on the stove!"

y/n:"thank you!"

i started eating and watched bucky taking care of steve.

Suddenly I remembered that I had to sign this awkward piece of paper.

when bucky brought steve up i followed them and pretended to go to my room to do my homework.

bucky went downstairs and i snuck over to steve's.


steve: "buck...?"

y/n:"no it's me! can you sign that for me?"


he nodded and signed the note for me.

Y/n:„thank you..."

I felt bad for doing it, but i didn't want my dads to get mad at me.

After I put it back into my backpack I started doing homework.

~bucky pov~

I knew that Steve was feeling miserable so I made him tea, took some blankets and a snack if he would get hungry.

As I walked upstairs I heard him whimpering.

Bucky:„hey...I'm back!"

Steve:„my stomach hurts..."

Bucky:„come here let's get you to the bathroom!"

I helped him up and we walked to the bathroom where he threw up again.

After he was done I put his favourite movie on and laid him down.

Steve:„will you-"

Bucky:„yes I will stay with you darling..."

He laid down on top of me and buried his head into my chest.

Not even 5 minutes later he felt asleep.

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