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I went to school everyday until we finally had summer break!

Every day I was at Bucky's and we had so much fun together.

I still had the feeling that something is wrong with me and that feeling didn't change!

Steve:„hey uhm buck?..."

Bucky:„what's up bud?"

Bud?! Really buck?! Bud!?
I was angry but I think more sad than angry I didn't knew what I was feeling in this moment.

Steve:„i I uhm I oh no it's ok..."


Once Bucky must help his mom with something so I went swimming alone.

Boy:„hey look who's there!"

They ran up to me and pushed me onto the floor.

Steve:„let me out!"

Boy:„naw what will you do?"

I tried to push him away but he didn't let go and started choking me.


Boy:„i hope you will die!"

They started laughing and as he let me out he spit on me and kicked me into my stomach.

After that I took my things and ran away.

I walked to a spot what I found with Bucky one day.

There I just laid down and felt asleep crying.

Everyone was searching for me the whole day until Bucky found me.

Bucky:„hey bud! C'mon wake up..."

I woke up and he helped me to stand up.

Bucky;„everything ok?"

I nodded and we walked home.

Mom:„what were you thinking?!"

A tear rolled down her cheek and I hugged her.

In winter I was walking around with Bucky until someone threw some pebbles at me.

Boy:„still here?"

Bucky:„fuck off!"

He was about to punch him but I wanted to feel it too so I ran up to him and punched him.

Boy:„oh Steve Steve Steve...."

He punched me back and I felt to the ground so Bucky came up to us and beated him up.

Bucky:„hey everything ok?"

I nodded and we started walking again.

Bucky:„that was a good punch..."

I smiled and wanted to take his hand but didn't cause I knew it's not right.

Steve:„do...do you even like me?"

Bucky:„of course Steve!"

We hugged but it wasn't a hug I wanted...I wanted a hug and feel his lips on mine...I knew it wasn't right to feel something like that, but I really loved him.

As he let me out I wanted to kiss him but then he asked:„steve? What are you doing? Hey Steve!"

I flinched back and started laughing nervously.

Steve:„sorry...I uhm nearly felt asleep...."

He laughed and we walked away.

On his birthday we were chilling outside and then Barnes came back with some girls.

Bucky:„ hey bud look at this girls!"

He kissed them Infront of me and I got tears, so I started walking away.

Bucky:„hey no no no Steven wait!"

He ran after me and asked me what's wrong.

Steve:„nothing I just...nothing..."

Bucky:„hey...you will find the right one!"

I nodded but said to myself:„ buck you're the one!"

He ran back to the girls again and we started celebrating his birthday.
I was still sad cause he went home with one of the girls.

I didn't want to know what they were doing and was crying the whole day until next day.


Hope y'all like it

Love y'all

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