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Steve went into the training room and I picked up y/n after school.

Y/n:„why isn't dad with you?"

Bucky:„well I wanted to talk to you about it anyways...tomorrow someone else will pick you up maybe tony!"


Bucky:„his mom's birthday is tomorrow!"


Bucky:„i will take him to Brooklyn!"

Y/n:„ok...but Brooklyn is only an half hour away from here?"

Bucky:„yeah but we will stay there for a bit..."


She started waving out of the window and I saw jack again.

Bucky:„lets drive home!"

As we arrived I gave y/n her schoolbag and we walked into the compound.

Pepper:„guys! Food is ready!"

Everyone started eating and Steve said that he would come some minutes later.

Steve came upstairs an half hour later completely sweaty.

He went upstairs and after he didn't came back for some minutes I apologized and walked upstairs.


I pushed the door open and saw him on the bed.

Steve:„what's wrong love?"

Bucky:„today...you didn't cry because I hurt you right?"

He stayed quite and sighed.

Steve:„tomorrow is her birthday..."

His voice was shaking and weak.

Bucky:„oh I know..."

A tear rolled down his cheek and he tried not to show me.

Bucky:„come here..."

I hugged him and gave him a kiss.

After a while he stopped crying and walked downstairs to eat something.

He wanted to be alone for the rest of the day, so I helped y/n with her homework and then Peter asked me if I wanted to play some video games so I said yes.

He showed me how it works and we started playing.

I won the first game and Sam said that he let me win but Peter said that he didn't.

Sam:„oh pete don't lie to him! Everyone saw it!"

Peter:„no really! I didn't let you win mr.barnes!"

I started laughing and we started playing again.

I was sitting on the floor, y/n behind me with her phone.

Somehow I liked this position...


Steve walked downstairs and ate dinner with us, then we both walked upstairs.


Bucky:„good night love..."

He didn't even cuddle up to me, an half hour later y/n came into the room.


Bucky:„good night darling!"

She walked out and closed the door.

Steve was sleeping cause he stopped sobbing.

I walked to our closet and took out one of Steve's shirts.

I cuddled up with it and felt asleep too.


Steve was still sleeping so I drove  y/n to school.

As I came back Steve was already awake and in the training room.

Bucky:„steve are you ready?"

He turned around and I saw that he was crying.


Bucky:„awwww...darling! We must not drive to Brooklyn if you don't want to..."

Steve:„no! I want..."

We stayed in the training room for a little bit and at 11am he changed and sat down into the car.

He wanted to drive so I let him.

I took his hand and kissed it softly.

Not even 10 minutes later he stopped the car and walked out.


I walked over to him and hugged him.

Steve:„i can't..."

I knew that he wanted to drive there anyways so I lead him to the passenger seat and he sat down.

I drove off and 20 minutes later we arrived.

I opened the trunk and gave Steve some flowers and candles.

He took them and we walked to her grave.

I stayed next to him and he put the flowers and candles on her grave.

I kneeled down next to him and he put his head on my shoulder.


He started crying again and after an half hour we drove away.

I stopped Infront of his old house and we walked inside.

Bucky:„lets go upstairs to you room! C'mon!"

I took his hand and opened the door.

Nothing was there anymore just the big window.

We both sat down on the floor and I kissed him.

Steve:„i miss her..."

Bucky:„i know...I miss her too!"

Steve:„she was the first one who knew that I was in love with you!"

I stroked over his shoulder and back.

We walked through the house and he stopped walking as we walked past his mom's bedroom.


He opened the door and there was still her bed.

Steve:„she told me that whatever I dream, I can be...but I must fight for it...and that people are gonna spend my whole life taking one look at my body and telling me what I can't do...but they can't see like she did...it holds a heart ten times its size..."

He got tears and sat down on the bed.

I put my hand on his shoulder and he put his hand on mine.

Bucky:„she loved you...and so do I! You have a big heart! I never met a guy who had a bigger heart then you do!"

He started crying more and I kissed his head.

After he was ready to go I bought us something to eat.

It was 5pm when we arrived at the compound.

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