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I woke up and walked downstairs to eat breakfast.

My dad's came some minutes later and Steve stroked over my hair.

Tony:„mission now! Get ready guys!"

My dad's ran into their room and then all the avengers drove away.

Y/n:„da-...d when are you coming back?"

I sighed but knew that, that would be the perfect time to rebuild my room so I took out all the things I needed and started with my room.

As I wanted to start and painting my room Steve called me.

Steve:„hey princess..."

Y/n:„dad hey what's up?"

Steve:„sorry we won't come home today...see you tomorrow alright? If something happens just call me! Maybe I won't pick up but I will call you back! It's an important mission..."

Y/n:„oki...uhm see you tomorrow!"

I heard how Natasha screamed in the back so Steve hung up on me and I put my phone down.

I didn't stop with rebuilding my room until 8pm and it looked great!

Then I made myself some food and laid down on my bed while watching a movie, but I got worried cause of my dad's so I called them.

Steve:„hey...darling what's wrong?"

His voice was shaking.

Y/n:„i was just worried...what happened?"

Steve:„n-nothing don't worry go to sleep..."

Y/n:„when are you coming back?"


Tony:„rogers they need us now! C'mon she asked if you want to be there..."

Y/n:„where? Dad what happened?"

Steve:„tomorrow darling night!"

He hung up on me and I started cleaning up my room.

After I finished I felt asleep on the couch downstairs cause I wanted to watch a movie there too but then I just passed out.

~4 am~

I woke up cause I heard voices.


Steve:„princess go upstairs! Go to sleep!"

Y/n:„where are the others?"

They came up behind him and I saw Natasha with a big wound on her stomach.


I ran up to her and she looked at me weakly.

Bruce:„put her into the lab now! NOW!"

I got pushed to the side and they walked into the lab.

Y/n:„where is dad?"

Bucky came into the compound with tears all over his face.


He walked passed me to his room and Steve followed him.

No minute later I just locked myself in my room and went to sleep.

~steve pov~


Bucky:„i love you!"

He kissed me passionately and started crying.

Steve:„what's wrong love?"

Bucky:„i thought you died! I was so worried!"

He put some papers on the bed and took my hand.

Steve:„im here love...I will stay with you alright?"

He nodded and I turned around to look through the papers.

Steve:„what's that?"

Bucky:„y/n's mom...and dad well her family all the informations about them..."

I sat down on the edge of the bed and wanted to read them but Bucky took them away put them on his bedside table and sat down on my lap.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and placed my head on his chest.

He stroked over my hair and after a while he chilled out.

He started relaxing so I put him down on the bed and wanted to put his hair into a messy bun but he said no.

Bucky:„i don't wanna have a bun today..."

Steve:„but your hair..."

Bucky:„stevie please..."

Steve:„alright no bun!"

I kissed his forehead and started playing with his hair.

Bucky:„should I cut them?"

Steve:„what? No! Never! I love them!"

He chuckled and after a while I felt asleep on top of him.


~bucky pov~

I woke up and saw that my hair were a mess.

Steve started chuckling and kissed me.

Steve:„i told you love!"


We walked downstairs and saw Nat weakly sitting in a chair trying to eat.

Steve:„how are you?"

He hugged her and she got tears cause of the pain.

Nat:„im fine!"

Steve:„oh no Rogers or something like that?"

Nat:„is that fossil scared about me?"

Steve:„i missed that!"

She laughed and I brought him coffee.

No minute later y/n came downstairs.

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