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~at the compound~

Steve:„y/n the teacher will send you the test today!"

Y/n:„i know..."

I walked into the kitchen and bumped into some of the avengers, walls, tables and so on.

Peter:„y/n is everything ok?"

Y/n:„mhm...i will just go upstairs to uhm to change..."

Tony:„rogers...I think she's not getting enough sleep!"

Pepper:„im sure she will be fine!"

As I walked downstairs I tripped over some stairs but luckily Peter was standing there and catched me in time.

Peter:„y/n...please tell me you slept some hours this week!"

Y/n:„yeah...i swear i did im just a little bit clumsy..."

Steve:„buck please give her something to eat and than bring her to sleep!"

Bucky:„sure! C'mon y/n!"


He sat me down and wanted to feed me but I was to tired to even open my mouth.

Bucky:„hey Stevie..."


Bucky:„i think she should sleep first!"


Bucky grabbed my hand and wanted to walk upstairs but I felt to the floor.

Bucky:„omg! Y/n...hey im sorry... c'mon i will carry you..."

He picked me up and laid me down.

Bucky:„sleep good doll ..."

I didn't slept but let my eyes closed.

~2 hours later~



Steve:„how are you feeling?"


After food I walked upstairs again and then my teacher texted me.

Teacher:„im so sorry y/n but it is an F! You didn't learn right? Well I put the test result into your postbox!"

Y/n:„what? That can't be! I learned!"

Teacher:„im sorry...maybe you didn't learn hard enough!"

I turned my phone off, ran downstairs took the math test and wanted to walk upstairs again but then my dad's came to me.

Bucky:„your teacher texted us! Show us the test!"

Tony:„what did you get an A? B?"

Y/n:„oh uhm that's not the test..."

Thor:„what is it than?"

Y/n:„uhm it's a uhm a recipe for a chocolate cake..."

Bucky:„oh really?"


Bucky:„than how will you do the chocolate cake?"

Y/n:„ so uhm I mean 1 cup of flour...1 cup of sugar 1 egg 1 cup of milk....and finished..."

Steve:„where is the chocolate?"

Y/n:„oh uhm and one cup of cacao powder..."

Steve:„give it to me now!"

I ran upstairs and locked myself in the room.

Bucky:„y/n! We just want to see the test!"

Y/n:„ it's an A!"

Stucky's daughter Where stories live. Discover now