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It was already 5am, and the darkness of the room seemed to mirror the heaviness that weighed upon my tired eyes. Steve, my loving father, stirred beside me and whispered, "Since when are you awake, missy?"

I replied in a hushed tone, my voice filled with exhaustion, "The whole time..."

Worry etched across his face, Steve asked, "And since when do you have these sleep problems?"

In a barely audible whisper, I admitted, "Just since yesterday..."

Steve stood up, concern evident in his movements, and I followed suit, unsure of what to do next. Bucky, my other caring father, groaned from his own bed, clearly annoyed. "What's wrong with you two? I'm trying to sleep here! Doll, you should be asleep too!"

Steve quickly apologized, "Sorry, sweetheart, but she can't sleep again!"

Bucky, perplexed, sought further understanding. "It's okay, honey, but what do you mean 'again'?"

Feeling overwhelmed, I sank down onto the floor, my gaze fixed on my fathers. Suddenly, their attention shifted to me, and Bucky swiftly lifted me up, cradling me in his arms and placing me gently back in bed.

Confusion clouded my mind as I questioned, "So... why can't you sleep, baby doll?"

Caught in the grip of exhaustion, I confessed in a feeble voice, "I don't know..."

Bucky's concern deepened as he probed further, "Does something hurt?"

Shaking my head, I absentmindedly scratched at my hand. Steve, always attentive, approached us, tending to my wounded hand with gentle care. He applied cream, soothing the irritated skin, before wrapping it in a bandage.

A chill ran through my body, and I began to shiver uncontrollably. Bucky, ever the protector, swiftly enveloped me in a warm blanket, holding me tightly against his chest.

Resting my head against his shoulder, I struggled to keep my eyes open, the exhaustion pulling me towards slumber. Eventually, Bucky placed me back in bed, where I listened to their soothing voices, recounting stories and humming comforting melodies. At last, I succumbed to sleep at 6am, only to awaken at 8am, feeling somewhat refreshed yet still burdened by weariness.

Despite my lingering fatigue, I mustered the strength to change and make my way downstairs, my steps heavy with exhaustion. As I reached for my phone, a faint buzzing caught my attention. It was a message from Sophie, inviting me to dance practice once again.

I replied halfheartedly, my weariness seeping into my words, "I don't know, maybe..."

Sophie's response came cheerily, her excitement palpable even through text. "Okay, bye!"

I mumbled my own farewell, lacking the energy to muster enthusiasm. Everyone gathered around the table for breakfast, and I rubbed my weary eyes, desperately trying to stay awake. I mustered the strength to ask, "We're having dance practice again today... Can I go?"

Steve's immediate denial crushed my hopes, and a whine escaped my lips, "Why?"

Bucky chimed in, his voice filled with concern, "You've only slept for two hours in two days. So, no!"

Disappointment washed over me, and I sighed, resigned to my fate. I took my seat at the table, my hunger momentarily forgotten as exhaustion weighed heavily upon my shoulders. Terrified of the nightmares that awaited me, I fought against the overwhelming urge to sleep, for the mere thought of Mia's absence haunted my restless mind.

Tony playfully warned, his voice tinged with amusement, "Hey, y/n, stay awake!"

Startled, I replied with a hint of confusion, "Hm? What?"

His chuckle filled the room, and I stared down at my plate, my mind drifting in a haze. Bucky, ever attentive, urged me to eat, his voice filled with concern, "Doll, eat!"

I mustered a feeble response, my voice lacking its usual spark, "Yeah... yeah, I'm just... okay, wait... I'll just lay down here, okay?"

I sluggishly made my way towards the couch, my movements sluggish and unsteady. However, before I could reach the comfort of the cushions, Steve's quick reflexes caught me as I fell unconscious.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself in the familiar surroundings of my parents' room, Bruce standing by my side. He gently explained, his voice filled with reassurance, "Hey, little one, you're awake! You're not ill, but it seems you were just tired and overworked, causing you to pass out."

I nodded, grateful for his explanation, my eyes shifting to Steve, silently conveying my gratitude for his unwavering support.

Within minutes, exhaustion claimed me once more, and I succumbed to sleep. This time, I awoke at 1pm, the weight of weariness still clinging to my every movement. As I groggily descended the stairs, the sound of Loki's voice filled the air, announcing that food was ready. I took my seat at the table, my fatigue evident to all.

Peter, ever the troublemaker, couldn't resist taunting me, his words laced with a hint of mockery, "Aww, have you been sleeping?"

Overwhelmed by a mix of exhaustion and frustration, anger surged within me. Without a second thought, I glared at my glass of water, my emotions getting the better of me. In a moment of impulsivity, I grabbed the glass and hurled it towards Peter. The room fell into stunned silence, and I gasped, immediately rushing over to him, fearing that he may have been injured by the shards of glass.

But before I could reach him, he forcefully pushed me away, causing me to stumble and collide with the unforgiving wall. Trembling with fear and confusion, I rose to my feet, my eyes wide with terror.

Suddenly, a searing pain tore through my body, and I let out a blood-curdling scream before collapsing to the ground. Peter, now concerned, attempted to help, but I had already lost consciousness.

Ten long, agonizing minutes passed before I awoke abruptly, gasping for air as Thor tried to calm me down. My bewildered gaze landed upon the machines that Bruce had connected me to, monitoring my fragile condition.

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