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~morning~ (6 am)

I was still asleep on Steve with my head and hands on his chest.

Bucky:„morning Stevie..."


Bucky:„still tired?"

Steve:„ a little bit..."

Bucky:„how is our little princess?"

Steve:„she woke up at 2 am I think..."

He started rubbing my back and I snuggled more up to him.

Bucky:„so what are we gonna do today?"

Steve:„taking care of her...?"

He said still rubbing my back.

Bucky:„yeah right..."

They kissed and I slowly woke up.


Steve:„morning little one..." He said with a soft voice while still rubbing my back and putting a kiss on my forehead.

Bucky:„are you feeling better?"

Y/n:„a little bit..."

Bucky:„then let's get you downstairs..."


Steve:„not so fast...First change!"

Steve gave me some clothes and I changed.

Then they brought me downstairs where everyone was already waiting for me.

Bruce:„alright let's take your temperature again!"

Tony:„well 39.5!"

Peter:„so it cool down?"

Bruce:„uhm a little bit yeah! But she's still having fever so she must lay down again.

Y/n:„why? I want to do something fun!"

Steve:„well we are sorry baby but you will just lay in bed!"


Bucky:„doll please come here..."

He whispered into my ear so noone else could hear:„you know what? I will turn the TV on just for you! But you must lay down! And you can have your phone for 1 hour!"


I laid down they put all the blankets over me again and gave me water, pills, medicine and the other things.

Bucky turned the TV on but I just turned to the other side and started listening to it.



Bucky:„is it better?"


Bucky:„does something hurt you?"

Y/n:„my legs..."

Bucky:„let me take a look..."

He saw that they were a little bit swollen, had hematomas and wounds.

Bucky:„that looks bad..."


Bucky:„no...let me just put this salve on it..."

It burned a lot and I gritted my teeth.

Bucky:„shhh...that helps you ok?"


He put the cold towels over my whole legs and wrapped me into the blankets again.

Bucky:„now try to sleep ok?"


He stroked my hair back, gave me a kiss on the head and walked to Steve.

Steve:„how is she?"

Bucky:„her legs are still hurting..."

Steve:„oh yeah she told me..."

Bruce:„is she asleep?"

Bucky:„well I think so! But she won't sleep for long..."

Bruce:„why not?"

Bucky:„she slept the whole day and night!"

Bruce:„yeah...we will see!"

~1 hour later~

I woke up but didn't saw anyone in the room so I stood up and stumbled over to the kitchen.

Tony:„bruce we should just-"

Y/n:„where are my dad's?"

Tony:„hey hey hey! You should lay down!"

He grabbed after my arm and brought me back to the couch.

Y/n:„where are my dad's?"

Tony:„they went shopping! Now lay down! You must stay warm!"


Tony:„y/n you must lay down!"

Y/n:„i don't want too!"

Suddenly my dad's came back, so I ran up to them and hugged Steve tightly.

Steve:„hey princess...what's wrong?"

Tony:„i just wanted to put her to bed..."


Y/n:„i searched after you!"

Bucky:„could you now lay down?"


I laid down again and Bucky gave me a kiss on my cheek.

Bucky:„good girl! We will get you soup ok?"

Y/n:„im Not really hungry..."

Bucky:„you must eat something!"

Y/n:„but i have a stomachache!"

Bucky:„soup helps!"

I sighed and 5 minutes later Steve came up to me with the soup.

Steve:„ok here is the soup Madame!"

Y/n:„why is everyone watching?..."

Steve:„yeah I don't know...everyone please go out! Thank you!"

Everyone walked into the kitchen and Steve started feeding me.

Y/n:„dad...im Not hungry anymore!"


Y/n:„no...i already ate the half of it!"

Steve:„alright...but you will eat it later;"


He kissed me on my cheek and forehead and wanted to walk away but I grabbed after his arm.

Y/n:„please stay here..."

Steve:„alright...let me just clean this up ok?"

I nodded and he came 2 minutes later with a blanket.

Y/n:„why the blanket?"

Steve:„you wanted me to stay here so..."

I sat up, he laid down put the blanket over him, put me on top of him and I just closed my eyes, laid my head on his chest and tried to fell asleep.

Steve:„try to fall asleep..."

He stroked over my hair and I felt asleep.


Hope y'all like it <3

Love y'all guys



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