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Sure, I'll add more depth and emotion to the dialogues to make them feel more engaging and integrated into the story.


We were still hugging until Natasha came in with a tray of food.

Y/n: "Uhm, I really missed the food..."

She chuckled, and I eagerly started eating, trying to distract myself from the overwhelming emotions of being reunited with my friends.

Bucky: "Wow, you ate everything?"

I nodded, and he lovingly stroked my hair back, a tender smile on his face.

Bucky: "I'm really proud!"

His words warmed my heart, and for a moment, it felt like everything was going to be alright.

But suddenly, without warning, the room erupted into chaos as a loud explosion filled the air, plunging us all into darkness.

Y/n: "DAD?!"

Fear gripped my chest as I desperately called out for my father and the others in the chaos.

Bucky: "Y/n, where are you?!"

Y/n: "DAA-"

Steve: "Y/n?! Y/N!"

Before I could react, strong arms seized me, and I found myself being dragged violently into a waiting van.


My pleas for help fell on deaf ears as one of the men put a cloth over my mouth, attempting to silence me.

Y/n: "Let me out!"

Man2: "Just put this around her mouth!"

Struggling and fighting, I tried to break free, but they overpowered me and secured me with handcuffs.

Y/n: "My dad's will help me!"

The men taunted me, mocking the idea that anyone would come to my rescue.

Man2: "Oh really?! I don't see them!"

Helplessness and tears filled my eyes as one of the men callously squeezed my arm, causing me to wince in pain.

???: "Let her out!"

My heart skipped a beat as a new voice entered the scene, offering a glimmer of hope.

Y/n: "Where am I?!"

???: "I'm Arnim Zola!"

My defiance flickered briefly as I tried to challenge the man, but he swiftly silenced me with a slap.

Y/n: "Ok... so what do you want from me?!"

Arnim Zola forcefully dragged me to a chair, my struggles proving futile.

Y/n: "Let me out!"

He coldly handcuffed me to the chair, and I couldn't help but scream out in fear and frustration.

Arnim: "Shhh! Shut up!"

He glanced at the men behind him, signaling them to take me back to the cell.

Y/n: "What. Do. You. Want?!"

Man1: "You should learn to behave!"

Y/n: "Let me out!"

Man2: "Should we show you how to behave?!"

Y/n: "Please... let me go!"

The desperation in my voice only seemed to amuse them, and I fought even harder to free myself.

Man2: "A little bit aggressive for such a little girl!"

A ray of hope appeared as another man intervened, stopping them from causing further harm.

man3: "Hey little girl!"

Y/n: "Let me go!"

Man3: "Oh no! We must do a video for your dads!"

Y/n: "Leave them alone!"

Man3: "Shut up!"

My heart sank as they forced me to make a distressing video, tears streaming down my face.

Y/n: "Dad, please help me... They will hurt me! Please... I won't lose you.... I will always love you!"

The pain in my words echoed my true feelings, but they only responded with cruelty.

The story continues as the Avengers race against time to rescue Y/n from her captors and the clutches of the sinister Arnim Zola. The stakes are high, and emotions run deep as the team bands together to bring their friend home safe.

Stucky's daughter Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora