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In the last days we were training a lot and then we were ready for the mission...

I was scared cause Tony said that all of us trust me!

I was scared that I would collapse or something but we still needed to go...

As we entered the building a man was standing there.

Man:„who are you?"

I didn't answer just looked at him with no expression in my face.

Man:„Who are you sir?!"

I still didn't answer and wanted to go pass him to the next door.

Man:„I fucking asked you something asshole!"

He pushed me aside so I pushed him and kicked him away.

The avengers who were hiding behind the building ran in and the fight started.

Tony grabbed a man and we went back to the compound.

Man:„what do you want from me?"

Tony:„tell me what you did!"


Tony:„tell me!"

He didn't say anything so Wanda started reading his mind.

Wanda:„omg...he is a monster!"


Wanda:„he killed his wife...and his kid is somewhere!"

Tony:„i didn't want to know this but thank you for this information! I'm gonna call the FBI now!"

Steve:„we need to find the kid!"

Bucky:„im going!"

Tony:„yeah you can take it as another mission who will come with you....let me think...Nat and Bruce!"

We jumped into the car still in our uniforms and drove off.

Steve was driving and grabbed my hand.

Steve:„buck...everything ok?"

Bucky:„yeah...uhm sure..."

Steve:„tell me..."

I shook my head no and pulled my hand back.

Nat:„hey guys look! There's a kid sitting on the road!"

We jumped out and I felt like throwing up as I saw the kid sitting crying next to her dead mother.

They were both covered in blood and the kid was so thin...

Steve:„h-hey kid! What's your name?"

She ignored us and didn't talk to us.

Nat:„hey girl do you want to come with us? It's warm..."

She shook her head no and wanted to stand up.

Steve:„hey...no no no stay here..."

She got scared and started crying more as Steve grabbed after her tiny arm.


Steve:„i think it's the right kid..."

Bruce called tony and the man must have explain where he shoot his wife.

It was into her head, shoulder, back, heart and again into her head.

The girl tried to wake up her mom and we tried to drag her away.

Tony over the phone:„guys the FBI will be there in some minutes!"

When the FBI came they called an ambulance and took the mother with them.

The girl started screaming and tried to drag her mom from them away but Steve pulled her back.

I looked at the backseat of the car and saw the men...the men who killed his wife.

The girl tried to run away as the FBI agent and Steve started talking and made it.

Bruce:„the girl!"

I ran after her and catched her as she felt to the floor.

Y/n:„let me out!"

She kicked me and started slapping my arm as I picked her up.

Bucky:„shhh....what's your name?"

Y/n:„ what's yours?"



I sat down on the floor, pulled her on my lap and calmed her down.

She stopped crying after some minutes, started playing with my long hair cause they were hanging down and she could easily grab them and then some minutes later she felt asleep on my lap.

I stood up and walked to the other with the girl in my arms.

Steve smiled at me and I looked down at her.

Nat:„well what now?"

FBI:„lets bring her somewhere else!"


FBI:„adoption home..."

He took her away from me and y/n woke up.


She started screaming after me and took her away from me.

FBI:„get away from her!"

Bucky:„please...just let me tell her something!"

They let me to her and she clung up to me.

I gave her a bracelet I had from Steve...it was a bracelet with our names and then I said:„ I will come to you! We will see eachother again! Just stay strong little one! I will bring you out of there promised!...Don't cry little one...they won't hurt you!"

She started crying and I walked away

y/n tried to ran out and hug me but they were holding her to tight.


the others were watching me and I waved her goodbye as they put her into the car and drove off.

I had tears in my eyes and looked to the ground and we all sat down into the car.

Nat:„so wanna tell us what happened?"


Steve:„are you crying buck?"


Tears were flowing down my cheeks and I turned around so he couldn't see my face.

Nat:„barnes don't be sad..."

Bruce:„im sure you will see her again!"

Steve took my hand again and kissed me on my lips.

Then he wiped my tears away and I felt asleep as we drove off.

~steve pov~

I have never seen Bucky so sad because of a child...

As we arrived at the compound I opened his door and picked him up.

As we walked inside everyone was watching us.

I put him down on my bed side and squat down next to him looking at his face.

Steve:„i love you..."

I slowly and gently put his long hair aside and then left the room.

Tony:„what's wrong with him?"

Steve:„i don't know...nothing important...I mean everything's fine now... I guess?"

Natasha stroked over my back and sighed.

Steve:„ it's hard now...he will be sad cause of the kid and will be scared cause of the stupid mission!"


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