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I walked downstairs and sat down next to Nat.

Nat:„and how is it without your husband?"


Steve came up to us with two coffees and gave it to Natasha.

Bucky:„what about me?"


Bucky:„will I get a coffee too?"

Steve:„no contact!"

I sighed and let my head fall back.

The doorbell rang and as I opened it I saw mrs.mclane.

McLane:„so hi here I am again!"

She started talking with y/n again and then she turned over to me and Steve.

McLane:„so how is it?"


McLane:„but you have just six days left!"

Bucky:„we didn't even made one day!"

McLane:„of course yesterday!"

Bucky:„no...please can we stop with it? It's hard!"

McLane:„steve is it hard for you too?"

Steve:„of course!"

McLane:„why don't you tell him?"

Steve:„i can stay hard!"


Steve:„he likes to play the childish one!"

Bucky:„im not..."

He crossed his arms and looked down.


McLane:„what if you two would go back to your room! And look trough some old memories and talk?"


They walked into their room and I looked at the carpet in my room.

McLane:„what about going out for a walk?"


I stood up, put my shoes on and wanted to walk over to my dad's and tell them to come with us.

Y/n:„dad's come on! We are going out for a walk!"

McLane:„y/n...I wanted to go just with you!"


Bucky:„y/n please!"

Y/n:„No! Im not leaving you!"

Steve:„sorry for that..."

McLane:„no it's fine..."

I clung up on my dad legs and didn't let him go.

McLane:„why are you scared?"

Y/n:„im not scared!"

McLane:„then come with me!"

I shook my head and Bucky tried to put me out of their room.

McLane:„come on...I won't do anything to you right?"

After five minutes I walked out with her.

I wasn't feeling well and was walking right behind her.

We walked until I saw the road where I got kidnapped.

Y/n:„i wanna go home..."

McLane:„oh c'mon..."

Y/n:„no! I wanna go home!"

I ran back home, locked myself and my dad's in their room until mrs.mclane came.

McLane:„please open the door."

Steve opened it and she walked towards me.

McLane:„you are fast!"

I sobbed into my dad's shirt.

McLane:„i would like to do a little test...check up..."

We walked to Bruce and they started asking me questions.

Bruce:„Do your hands or other body parts seem to tremble involuntary?"

Y/n:„my leg..."

McLane:„has she lost a significant amount of weight in these last month's, days, weeks?"

Bruce:„let me look...y/n please!"

He pointed at the scale and I walked up to it.

Bruce:„steve could you take a look?"

Steve:„35 kilogrammes..."

Bruce:„she lost 4 kilogrammes!"

McLane:„did her hair got thinner?"


Bruce:„y/n do you feel dizzy sometimes?"

I nodded and sat down again.

Bruce:„ok stand up again..."

I stood up and felt dizzy again.

Bruce:„you felt dizzy right?"

I nodded and sat back down.

McLane:„how does it feel? Lightheaded or is it like spinning?"


McLane:„her Pulse!"

Bruce started measuring my Pulse.

Bruce:„its higher than it should be! Y/n...stand up again and bend over!"



I did it and felt even more dizzy.

Bruce:„is the dizzy feeling gone?"

Y/n:„no...its way worse!"

Bruce:„alright...last question! Does your period come irregularly?"

I nodded slightly and hoped that my dads wouldn't notice.

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