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In the early hours of the morning, a fit of violent coughing seized me, leaving my body wracked with pain. My father's frantic footsteps echoed through the house as they rushed to my side, desperately trying to rouse me from my weakened state. Faced with the severity of the situation, they knew they had to awaken Bruce, the ever-reliable physician. Bursting into the room, Bruce swiftly administered a concoction of antibiotics, a life-giving infusion, and my indispensable breathing aid.

As I regained consciousness, panic gripped me, my mind racing with fear and uncertainty. My father's presence offered solace, their gentle voices attempting to calm the tempest raging within me. Yet, my anxiety persisted, refusing to be tamed. Sensing my distress, Bruce made the difficult decision to administer an injection, plunging me into a haze of dizziness and exhaustion. Struggling to keep my eyes open, I succumbed to the overwhelming weariness, slipping once more into the abyss of slumber.

When I awoke two hours later, I found myself in the cold, sterile surroundings of the laboratory. Bruce approached me, preparing to administer yet another injection, and instinctively, fear gripped me, urging me to flee. But he held me firmly, his touch simultaneously restrictive and oddly comforting. As he delivered the prick, pain surged through my veins, and my anguished screams pierced the air. It was then that the Avengers, summoned by the commotion, hurried into the room.

My father's clasped my trembling hand, while Loki, Peter, Thor, Wanda, and Natasha observed from behind the protective barrier of glass. The intensity of my agony grew, the pain in my stomach intensifying until I could no longer contain my tears. My eyes locked with Bucky's, his tear-streaked face a mirror of my own suffering. Steve, steadfast and unyielding, held my hand in his, his presence a lifeline amidst the anguish. The other Avengers looked upon me with pity, their hearts heavy with the weight of my pain.

Attempting to rise, I crumbled to my knees, my tortured screams echoing through the room. Waves of agony crashed over me, threatening to consume my fragile existence. Wanda, ever perceptive, delved into the recesses of my mind, recognizing that something was dreadfully amiss. Urgently, she urged Bruce to administer soothing pills, the only respite from the torment that gripped my body. Gradually, the pain subsided, and as I regained control of my breath, Bruce took my temperature.

"39.9!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with concern. "She must rest, avoiding any exertion. Her fever is dangerously high." Two blankets were draped over me, providing a modicum of warmth and comfort. Bruce handed me pills, a cup of soothing tea, and two damp, cool towels, seeking to alleviate my distress.

Despite the measures taken to comfort me, I clung to my father's arm and hand, unwilling to let go. However, Bruce's voice pierced through my vulnerability, gently urging me to bid my fathers farewell for a while. "Y/n, let your dads go. You need to rest, okay?" Tears welled in my eyes as I pleaded, "Please don't go... I'm scared and don't want to be alone. I can't sleep without you..." Reluctantly, they looked upon me with sorrow, whispering their apologies as they pressed tender kisses to my forehead before departing. Left alone, tears cascaded down my cheeks, yet my weakness prevented any further action. Eventually, exhaustion overtook me, and I surrendered to a fitful slumber.

For eight hours, I remained ensconced in a world of dreams, finding temporary respite from the agony that plagued my fragile frame. As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the room, I yawned, my body aching but the pain somewhat dulled. Bruce and my fathers entered, greeting me with affectionate words, their voices brimming with relief at my awakening. Bruce took my temperature once again, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "38.9! It's still not ideal, but it's an improvement."

Another yawn threatened to consume me, beckoning me back into the comforting embrace of slumber. However, Bruce's gentle touch on my arm pulled me back to wakefulness, reminding me of the tests that awaited. Determined to comply, I fought to stay awake, straining against the weariness that threatened to envelop me once more.

Once the examinations concluded, I mustered the strength to voice a simple request. "Can I come downstairs, too?" I pleaded, casting my fathers a pleading look, reminiscent of a hopeful pup. Bruce let out an exasperated sigh, relenting. "Alright, but you must rest on the couch," he cautioned, his voice laced with concern. With their unwavering support, I rose, only to be scooped up by Steve, who cradled me gently in his arms as he carried me downstairs.

As I descended, I was met with the heartwarming sight of my cherished friends, their smiles like beacons of light in the darkness of my affliction. Bucky tenderly draped blankets over me, while Bruce approached with two cool towels, providing respite from the lingering discomfort. Peter reached out, his hand finding solace in mine as I drifted back to sleep.

Two hours passed, and as the clock struck 5 pm, I roused from my slumber. A pang of irritability accompanied my awakening, as the pain persisted and the world outside continued its merry dance. Tears welled up once more, and after a moment of inner turmoil, I mustered the strength to rise, my weakened body propelling me towards the outside world.

There, in the park, laughter and snowballs filled the air, a reminder of the joy I was missing out on. Peter caught sight of me and shouted in alarm, but before he could finish his warning, Natasha playfully launched a snowball at him. My fathers, ever vigilant, turned their gaze towards me, Bucky's voice carrying a note of urgency, cutting through the wintry breeze. "Y/N, go back into the compound now! It's cold, and you have a fever!"

I stared at them defiantly, screaming into the wind, "No! Why? I feel free! Please, it's cool!" Steve rushed towards me, his protective instincts kicking in, but I recoiled, pushing him away, determined to assert my independence. With a burst of energy, I darted away, my feet carrying me further into the depths of the nearby woods.

Yet, the exertion proved too much for my weakened body, and as the frigid air ravaged my lungs, I gasped for breath, my vision blurring. I collapsed onto the ground, consciousness slipping away like sand through my fingertips. Through the haze, I heard my fathers' desperate pleas, their anguished cries resonating in the stillness of the forest. "Baby? Baby, come on, breathe! Come on, Y/n!"

And in that moment, everything faded to darkness

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