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Guys say thanks to  addicted-to-marvel , paulinexstan and 9thingss!

addicted-to-marvel  and 9thingss gave me an idea which is absolutely brilliant! And paulinexstan told me that we should call Bucky= papa and Steve= dad/daddy So thank you guys again!


As I finished with breakfast I staid downstairs with my dad's.

Steve:„im feeling much better buck..."

Bucky:„oh really? Should I believe you?"


Bucky:„then let me take your temperature!"

He hadn't any fever but Bucky told him to stay on the couch but first he changed into Bucky's warm hoodie and sweatpants.

I cuddled up with him and felt asleep.

We were just watching movies until 9pm.

Bucky:„y/n did you packed your things for school?"


Bucky:„alright go brush your teeth and change!"

Y/n:„noooo why?"


I rolled my eyes and went upstairs.

My dad's came some minutes later.

Bucky:„night baby doll..."

Y/n;„goodnight daddy!"

Steve kissed my cheek and they walked out.


Bucky woke me up but I was in a bad mood.

Y/n:„leave me alone!"

Bucky:„oh someone is grumpy? C'mon get ready for school!"

I sighed and threw a pillow at him.

After i got dressed I walked downstairs.

Y/n:„please let me stay at home!"

Bucky:„no! Why?"

Y/n:„i don't want to go to school!"

Bucky:„you are going!"

He put my school bag into the car and I sat down on the couch.

Bucky:„y/n! I don't need this shit right now! Get into the car right now!"


He picked me up and sat me down into the car.

Y/n:„im feeling sick!"

Bucky:„no you aren't!"

Y/n:„i wanna go home!"



I rolled my eyes and kicked against his seat.

Bucky:„stop with this shit y/n!"

I sighed even louder.

Bucky:„what did I tell you?"

Y/n:„i hate you!"

Bucky:„alright! You hate me! You are a brat!"

Y/n:„im feeling sick and you let me go to school!"

Bucky:„you aren't feeling sick!"

I kicked against his seat again and he stopped the car.

Bucky:„get out of the car!"


Bucky:„get out!"

I stood up and he gave me my school bag.

Bucky:„you are walking to school!"

Y/n:„i will be late!"

Bucky:„no! You have plenty of time!"

He closed the car door and drove home.

I started walking but saw a strange man in the corner of my eye...

Man:„hey little one...I wanted to ask you if you know where the kindergarden is?"

Y/n:„uhm yeah it's next to my school! you have to go straight for like 50 meters then you turn right and then you go straight again! the kindergarten can hardly be overlooked or rather overheard!"

He laughed awkwardly and scratched his head.

Man: "I'll just go with you if you don't mind!"

y/n:"um no I don't think so!"

I kept noticing that he looked over at me and grinned awkwardly but before we could turn right, he pulled me aside and threw me into a car.

y/n:"LET ME GO! You fucki-"

He hit me on the head with a glass and I passed out.

~bucky pov~

I drove home and started taking care of Steve again.

Steve:„i heard that she had bad mood...did you had a fight?"


Steve:„are you ok?"

Bucky:„it was just that she was tired!"

After i cooked and Steve was finally feeling fit again I drove to y/n's school to pick her up.

It took her very long and I saw the kids running out of school but didn't saw y/n so I called Steve.

Bucky:„hey honey! Does y/n have a appointment today?"

Steve:„no...why? Something happened?"

Bucky:„no don't worry love!"

The teacher was walking out of the school and locked the door behind her, so I got out of the car and walked up to her.

Teacher:„oh hey Mr.barnes! I wanted to tell you that next time y/n won't come to school just tell us in the morning by calling us ok?"

Bucky:„y/n...wasn't in school?"

Teacher:„well not today!"

Bucky:„alright...thank you! Have a great day!"

Teacher:„you too!"

I drove to jack's house and started banging on the door.

Jack:„h-hey mr.barnes!"

Bucky:„is y/n here?!"


Bucky:„tell me the truth!"

Jack:„im telling you the truth! You can come in and search after her if you want!"

Bucky:„ok...thank you!"

I ran back to my car and slammed the door shut.


I drove to the police and told them that y/n was gone.

Police:„could you call your husband?"

Bucky:„he doesn't know anything -"

Police:„that doesn't matter! But you both should know our plan!"

I called him and walked out of the room.


Steve:„where are you?"

Bucky:„y/n she!- she...she wasn't in school! She isn't at jack's...I'm worried please come over!"

Steve:„y-yeah ok I will be there..."

He arrived some minutes later and police officers already started searching her.

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