21 ¦ Margaret Fellice

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry about missing your book date with him, we are near to your campus." She teases, grinning at me in the front mirror.

"God, just stop shipping him to me. It's really disturbing and disgusting." I roll my eyes at her, still have that feeling to just jump off the car.

Nancy chuckles quietly, proud of herself by making me feel disturb. "Have you tried to ask him why?"

"I have not, and I don't have any plans on texting him back." I cross my arms, focusing my sight out of the window.

I just wish it's not like a prank or anything, because that will totally lose my patience to that guy. He's acting nice all of a sudden, which is weird to me. I don't like how he's being so nice to me. If I'm being ask about my insight to Jacob, I would probably say "He's like Noah but way worse."

Oh, God. Speaking about those two, how will I survive with two assholes in my life? I can handle Noah's attitude, but plus Jacob's? It's okay I guess, because after this project, I'm sure as hell staying away from Jacob. Whether he becomes so nice or not, I'm still staying away from that guy.

No wait, scratch that. There are three assholes in my life, add my fucking father. See, there's three. I hope I won't meet another asshole in my life. I'm content with my friends.

The vibration in my pocket caught my immediate attention. "I bet 3 dollars that, Jacob is the one texting you." Nancy teases and grins widely in the front mirror.

I roll my eyes and snatch my phone. To my surprise, she is right. It is Jacob. Great, now I owe Nancy 3 dollars for that.

Jacob: Where the fuck are you? I've been waiting in the library for hours now?

Wow, he's already in the library? This guy is persistent. Whatever he needs from me, it might be very important. Still, he might be persistent and determined, but his patience is crappy.

Me: Can you chill of a bit? I'm close to the campus now okay?

Jacob: Chill? I already fell asleep in the library waiting for you!

Did he really fell asleep in the library waiting for me? What kind of day is he having anyway that made him fell asleep in the library?

Me: You can do a lot more in the library while waiting for me.

Jacob: Like what exactly? Other than sleep.

Me: I don't know, maybe read a book while waiting for me? :>

Jacob: I'm sorry, Ms. Fellice but do I look like the kind of guy who reads books in his spare time, huh?

Me: Well, if you're dedicated enough to wait for me, you might turn into a guy who reads books in his spare time.

Putting my phone back in my pocket, didn't even dare to wait for his reply. I catch Nancy grinning at me in the front mirror. "What?" Raising an eyebrow at her.

"Nothing," She keeps on grinning like a clown. "I just like the way you smile while texting him."

"I am?" Giving her a perplexed look. I'm smiling? What the heck? I stare myself in the window, seeing my reflection, I am indeed smiling.

"I have never seen you smile like that, like ever." She grins.

"Oh my God, next topic please." I feel embarrassed about smiling while texting that jerk. Still perplexed about why I smile though.

She chuckles softly, "Fine next topic." After a beating second, she finally thinks of a topic, "How's Noah?"

"Well, he hasn't texted me about what happened to Ben in that philosophy discussion he's at. I'm guessing he has a very disappointing day."

"Poor Noah, he just wants to have someone to love." Her face turns into that sympathetic expression. "Noah been always the softest guy I know. I wonder what will he be like if he finally finds someone in his life."

"I wonder the same too." Smiling at Nancy in the front mirror. That's true though, he has always been the softest guy ever. He always had this cold, sassy attitude just to hide that softie side of him. He's like a walnut, hard on the outside, but soft in the inside. Maybe someday, someone will finally break that hard shell he has and finally love.

We finally arrive back to the gate of the campus. I hop out of the car, as quickly as I can. "It looks like you're really eager about this book date with Jacob, huh?" She looks at me, grinning like an idiot. "You're starting to like this Jacob's presence."

God, I feel like I'm about to puke all those French Vanilla in me. "You know I don't have a crush on anyone." I roll up my eyes, "And I'm sure as hell that I don't have a crush on Jacob okay?

Nancy puts her hand up in a surrender gesture. "Woah, I didn't say anything about having a crush or even having a crush on him." She gives me that idiotic grin again. "I just said, you're starting to like his presence, like being friends." Touché Nancy, Touché. But that doesn't mean I like the guy. Do I? I don't know about what I'm feeling. I've been confused seen childhood. "See," She interrupts my deep thinking. "You're thinking about it."

"I'm not friends with him, we're just—"

"Acquaintances?" She interrupts me once again.

"Yeah, we're just acquaintances. That's all we are." I nod. Yeah, we're just acquaintances, we're not friends. We just partners in this project.

"Right..." She raises an eyebrow at me. "You do know every relationship starts with being acquaintances, right?"

"Oh my God, just shut up." I sound like a fucking annoyed child. "You're being very disturbing lately, and I don't like it."

"I'll take that as a compliment." She laughs. "So, see you next week then?"

"Yeah, sure. Next week!" I wave goodbye at her.

She starts off the engine. "Goodbye Margaret Pierce. Or maybe Margaret Fellice-Pierce if that's what you like."

"Oh, fuck off. Just go!"

She laughs as she is off to the horizon. God, I hate her. I don't like the guy. Why would I fall in love for him anyway? Ugh, I hate thinking about having a crush. I didn't have a crush since I was born, and Nancy knows that. It would be impossible for me to fall in love with that kind of guy, and also it would be impossible that he will feel the same way to me. Right?

God, what am I thinking? I better hurry up to the library, before Mr. Grumpy Pants is losing patience.

Snatching my phone from my pocket, tying to send a message to Mr. Grumpy Pants that I'm at the campus.

Me: I hope you haven't died from boredom because I'm already at the campus.

Not even a second have passed, he already sends his reply, so that's how bored he is in the library.

Jacob: Oh, thank God. Hurry up here.

I cringe slightly, trying to guess how much patience should I take from him.

Me: Actually, I need to go back to my dorm to change my outfit.

Jacob: Are you fucking kidding me? Why?

Me: Because I want to change, okay?

Jacob: Why can't you just go here with the clothes you're currently wearing?

I try to think of a lie to tell him, I can't believe I'm pushing all his buttons.

Me: My shirt has coffee spills on it.

Jacob: That's fine!

Me: No, it's not. I feel dirty in it.

Jacob: Omfg! Fine! Just make it quick!

Laughing loudly as I ran back to my dorm. I can't believe I just irritate him, and it feels great. I may try to do it again. No, the word "may" might be the wrong term here. I will try to do it again. Now that's more promising. Still chuckling my way back to my dorm, pondering to myself on how many more ways that I can choose just to irritate the bastard while also trying to figure out the limit that I shouldn't pass. 

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