Spider Gwen Part 5:

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Gwen's POV
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I could tell Peter was suspicious. He always is. It kind of sucks that he had spidy-sense, so he can probably tell that I'm lying. I guess I kind of have that now too. Cool.

I guess it could come in handy when you're fighting a bad guy. Or if STEVE THROWS A FRICKEN PANCAKE AT YOU.

I caught the pancake easily in my left hand and then bit into it.

All the other avengers looked at me weirdly except for Tony. No one else knew my secret and I'd like it to stay that way.

Thankfully Peter wasn't here otherwise I'd have trouble explaining that one to him.

I guess I have to watch my spideysense and be more clumsy so I don't look like I'm spider-woman.

Although if Peter hasn't guessed that I'm spider-woman yet, then I don't think he'll ever know.

As soon as I was finished eating breakfast, Tony asked to see me in his lab. I complied and ran into his lab.

We both walked into his dark lab.

"Friday, turn on the lights please and initiate spider woman protocol" Tony said.

I looked at him curiously before watching in awe as the lights came on and a big tube rose out of the ground.

"Tony what is this?" I exclaimed watching as the lights flickered on inside the capsule.

Once I saw what was in there, I swear my jaw dropped down to the floor.

"This, Gwen, is your new suit. What do you think?"
Tony said to me smiling and gesturing to the capsule.

I stepped closer and reached out to touch the suit.

"It's made out of flexible poly fabric and reinforced with sleek cloth. It has your personal AI in it, built in gps, all your contacts that you can call, personal fighting modes, built in Bluetooth headphones, pockets, and it comes with these," Tony said handing me a wrapped up box.

I slowly opened the box and took out web shooters that looked similar to Peter's but seems to have more tech and had my favorite colors instead.

"These web shooters are very similar to Peter's. They have different fight modes on them, can detach a drone if needed, can whip out 6437 meters of web without reloading the web capsule. Come with extra web capsules in hidden compartments, has spot on aiming, and is made from reinforced vibranium and titanium, so it won't break. Now I know you both have natural webs which is the weirdest thing ever, so you don't need web shooters however these simply enhance your abilities." Tony finished with a smile.

I was in awe. It must have taken him forever to make this. It was incredible!

I squealed, "Thank you Thank you Tony!" I ran over to him and hugged him.

He chuckled and hugged me back, "Just remember our deal. You can do this but you can't tell Peter who you are."

I nodded in understanding.

"Good, well you've got to go to school, so hurry up. Happy will drive you."

I smiled and turned to walk away but not before Tony called my name again.

"You might want to have this on you at all times. Just in case. But keep it hidden" Tony said putting the suit and web shooters into a backpack.

"Thanks Tony" I said as I took the backpack and got ready for school.

Happy drove me and dropped me off at school. I was afraid everyone would look at me weirdly since the last time they all saw me, I had passed out after being bitten by a spider.

I sucked in a deep breath and walked into school.

My day actually went pretty smoothly surprisingly. Peter hung out with me but was still worried, which was sweet. I went through all my boring classes and I realized that no one actually cared about me or what happened. That's good I guess.

It was only until my last class of the day when I had a tingle that something bad would happen.

Oh how right I was.

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