Thor Figures Out Board Games

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"Hey Peter, did you know that there's a u in stupid?" Tony said to Peter as they were playing scrabble.

"Oh yeah? Well guess what? There's also an I in stupid!" Peter said.

"Wait-" Peter said realizing his mistake, but Tony heard it and was laughing his socks off.

"Yeah yeah yeah, ok thank you." Peter grumbled.

Just then, Thor walked in and watched the two play scrabble.

"What in Odin's name is this weird block game?"

"It's called scrabble" Tony answered.

"What's scrab-bable" Thor asked.

"No scrabble, and it's where we can make random words with blocks and we get points for it" Peter said not taking his eyes off of the board game.

"See like right now I'm making the word 'snake' which will give me 10 points" Tony said pointing to a word on the game.

Thor chuckled, "Do you want to hear a story about when I was younger and my brother-"

"Turned into a snake and bit me" Tony and Peter both recited word for word while Thor was talking.

Thor looked confused, "Have I told this story before?"

"Yes!" Tony said shouting.

"Too many times" Peter groaned.

"Well then, do you all want to hear it again?" Thor asked.

Peter and Tony whipped their heads to him and shouted, "NO!" At the same time.

Thor frowned and grumbled and joined in on their game of scrabble.

Let's just say that Thor was not good at scrabble and he was a VERY sore-loser.

Thor groaned again, "I hate this scrababble game!"

Thor looked at both Tony and Peter before flipping over the ENTIRE board and sending the pieces all over the floor.

"Thor!!!" Peter and Tony said at the same time.

"You have to clean that up!" Tony said pointing an accusing finger at Thor.

Thor put his hands up in surrender and started picking up the pieces.

"Oh hey Tony. Um my Aunt May sort of wants to meet you" Peter said quickly as he and Tony were making dinner in the kitchen.

"What??" Tony screamed.

He had dropped the chicken he was roasting onto the floor-RIP chicken- and then proceeded to stare at Peter.

Peter smiled sheepishly, "I mean May has been on a trip for a while and she is coming back tonight. She wants to meet the person I've been staying with for the past couple of months"

Tony unfroze and picked up the chicken off the floor.

"Ok well you've at least told May who I am right?" Tony asked.

Peter stood there silently.

"Peter! You didn't tell her anything about me?!?" Tony shouted dropping the chicken once more.

Peter shrugged and looked at the floor, "It never came up. And I mean she knows I've been staying at a friend's but like I said when we met, she's not too fond of you."

Tony scoffed, "how can she not be fond of me?? Everyone likes me! I'm Tony Stark"

In the other room Steve scoffed.

"Oh shut it Steve!" Tony yelled waving around the chicken menacingly.

Peter made Tony put the chicken down, "So dinner? here? tonight?"

Tony sighed, "Sure kid but I might need to get a new chicken"

Peter looked down at the chicken and grimaced, "yeah good idea"

~5 hours later~

Tony adjusted his tie for the 30th time.

Peter rolled his eyes, "Mr. Stark stop worrying you'll be fine!"

"But kid I want to make sure your Aunt likes me! Otherwise I may not be allowed to see you!" Tony said sadly.

Peter laughed, "I told you, you'll be fine. Aunt May wouldn't do that"

At that moment the doorbell rang.

Tony sucked in a breath while Peter went to get the door.

"Um Peter? Why on earth does your 'friend' live in Stark towers?" Aunt May said walking in and setting her purse down.

Peter raised an eyebrow. Sometimes May could be a bit dense.

"Aunt May, this is Tony Stark and I have been living with him for the past few months" Peter said gesturing to a stiff Tony standing in the foyer.

May automatically froze.

Tony gulped and in that split second everything came crashing down.

Orrrr not.

"Oh my god! The real Tony Stark!!! That's crazy that I'm meeting you! I'm such a huge fan!" May said crazily shaking Tony's hand.

Tony stood there dumbfounded while Peter was confused, "May didn't you say that you didn't like Tony Stark. And that he was just the spawn of Satan-"

"Yes!" May shouted but then whispered, "but that was before I actually met him. He is a billionaire after all"

Peter rolled his eyes.

So basically his aunt was going to kiss Tony's butt all evening. GREAT!

All of a sudden, Thor came rushing into the room with a giant grin on his face.

"I have finally won at Scrababble! I'm starting a club. Want to join Stark?" He said giddily.

"Tony put his palm to his forehead and Peter just guided May to the dining room.

His friends were so weird

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Anyway, please go check out my other stories especially the short story that I just published for TeenFiction ! Please read it and tell me what you think! I would love to win ;) Love you all again!
~Newnovels3 💗

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