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Omg I finally am going to post a new chapter! I'm so sorry! I've been so busy lately and I haven't found anytime to write. I hope you guys aren't mad at me. Luckily I'm in quarantine right now so I've got tons of time to write more chapters. Right now, I have a fantastic chapter for you, so let's get to it :)

Peter's POV
"Crap" I whispered as I sat crouched behind a desk. My heart was racing and I put my hand to my chest in order to make it stop.

"Breathe Peter breathe" I said to myself, hoping I would calm down. I did not need a panic attack in the middle of all this mess.

I took a few more minutes until I finally stood up.

"Alright you wanna play games Harvey? Well come get me you son of a-"

3 hours earlier

"Listen Mr. Stark, I'm going to be fine!"

"No Pete, I don't like the thought of you being in danger!" Tony said before shoving a bagel into his mouth.

I rolled my eyes before slowly biting into my own piece of toast.

"It's not that big of a deal" I said setting my half eaten toast back on my plate.

Tony stopped mid chew and looked up at me.

"Naw-e-bu-dael? Ir-coeld-ne-kalud-" Tony spoke with his mouth full before I interrupted him.

"Say that one more time. Without having food in your mouth!" I said gesturing toward him to continue.

Tony sighed but swallowed before he spoke again, "No big deal? You could get killed Peter!"

"I'm literally just going to school Mr. Stark" I said walking towards the front door.

"Yes, after a threat was made! Somebody fricken' threatened to attack your school! And you're saying you still want to go?" Tony shouted as he followed me down the hallway.

I stopped for a moment and thought about it, "yes"

That caused a loud groan from Tony, "I can't stop you from going, can I?"

"Nopeee" I said loudly with a smile on my face.

Tony groaned again, "you're gonna kill me someday kid. Alright, you can go, but please bring your suit and promise me you'll be careful."

I held up my hands in surrender, "Alright alright, I promise. Now I have to go! Bye Mr. Stark!"

I rushed out the door before he could change his mind.

The bus ride to school was quick. Which was good, I couldn't stand to be in that baloney smelling bus any longer.

"Yo, Peter!"

"Hey Ned!" I said as I approached him.

We did our secret hand shake and walked into the school together.

                                2 hours later

"Did you hear about the threat dude?" Ned said biting into his burger. It was lunch and so far there had been no dangerous actions being committed.

Peter Parker One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now