New Best Friend?

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Guys it has been too long! I hope some of you are still here, and if so I love you guys. I want to try posting and updating more but life gets busy you know. Anyway enjoy this short little chapter


"SON OF A- Steve! Peter put dye into the water again!"

"Not my problem!" Steve yelled from another room. 

"Peter what did we tell you about these pranks?" Tony said with a hand on his hip looking down at Peter.

Peter, who was trying to hide behind his bowl of cereal, cast his eyes down and tried to act innocent, "I don't know what you're talking about.."

"Hey idiots!" Natasha came storming into the room before Peter could get in trouble, "my sister is arriving soon, so I want all of you to be on your best behavior."

"Your sister?" Steve asks, curious as he had never heard of a sister before.

"Yes, technically my adopted sister. Yelena Belova is a retired black widow assassin, so I expect you all to treat her with respect. Mostly because if you don't, she can kill you in a second."

"That sounds fun" Tony remarked as Loki entered the room.

"What does?" responded a voice from the other side of the room.

A woman with blonde hair stepped out of the shadows swinging a key chain around her finger with a smirk on her face.

"You must be Yelena. Welcome to Avengers tower. We are excited to have you here. I am Tony Stark aka Iron Man" Tony stated proudly, "This is Peter, Loki, and Steve. You'll meet the rest of the Avengers later."

"You don't have to announce you're Iron Man every time you meet someone. Everybody knows it" Natasha says rolling her eyes.

Loki chuckles and extends a hand out to Yelena who eyes it with disregard.

"I am Loki, prince of Asgard, the dark trickster, and the coolest person you will meet"

Yelena looks at him up and down, "Okay"

Loki looks flabbergasted. Did this girl really just say 'okay' in his presence??

"Anyway, I feel like shooting something. You guys got a target room?" Yelena said in a thick Russian accent.

"Um well, miss scary Russian lady, we do have the training room with targets. Down the hall and second door on your right" Peter mumbles pointing in the direction of the room.

"Cool" Yelena says, walking out of the room without so much as a goodbye or a see you later.

"Well isn't she just a ray of sunshine. I can see where you get the fun, social personality from Natasha" Tony said with a smirk.

"Oh shove it Tony" Natasha rolled her eyes again and followed Yelena out. 

"I like her" Peter says sheepishly.

Loki huffs, "well I don't. What a rude person. Imagine not saying anything to the prince of Asgard!"

"Well technically she did say 'cool'" Peter said, which earned him a side glare from Loki.

"Aw its okay Loki, you're still our favorite little guy" Tony says in a baby voice and rubs Loki's head.

Loki sputters and pushes Tony away, "I hate you guys"

Peter gasps, "take it back right now"

Loki rolls his eyes and walks out of the room.

Peter starts tearing up, "Mr. Stark, he didn't mean it right? Tell me he didn't mean it"

Tony comforts Peter, "of course he didnt mean it kid. He loves us. We are his pride and joy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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