Peter's in class call

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     Story by: @blowaraspberry

Peter was in class.  And not just any class.  It was the English class of Mr. Chui.  Mr. Chui was nice enough, he didn't give too much homework and didn't immediately give you a detention if you talked in class. 

Unfortunately he wasn't that lenient about phone calls, when your phone would ring, he would be by your side in, like, half a second with his hand stretched out and his eyebrow cocked up.

Then you would have to give your phone and he would answer it on speaker, no matter who it is, and tell them to not call in class, it didn't happen that much, but the student was always hugely embarrassed. 

That's why Peter blushed beet red when he suddenly heard Back in Black blare through his phone. He knew exactly who it was, since he had put his phone on silent and checked, like, 5 times, there was only one person who could hack his new, not even on the market yet, Stark phone. 

Everyone's head suddenly snapped to him, some were smirking, some were snickering, and Cindy Moon was filming.  Peter gulped and looked up, as expected, Mr. Chui was looming over him with that damn eyebrow cocked up and his hand outstretched. 

Peter hesitantly got his phone out of his backpack.  His screen was still black, but Peter knew without a doubt that it was him. 

"Ummm...could you please, uhh..not answer it, sir, it's pretty uhhhh...personal?", Peter stuttered out with a pleading look. 

He heard the snickering and he knew why, Mr. Chui never, ever, let a phone call in class go.  But he had to try. 

"No, Peter, you know the rules", Mr. Chui said stern. 

With a sigh, Peter handed his phone over.  Mr. Chui stared at it with a puzzled look on his face. 

"Ummm..Mr. Parker, how do you answer this?" 

Peter blushed again.

"Ummm...Karen, answer it please, uhhh..on speaker", Peter said, closing his eyes already, ready for humiliation. 

The thought that maybe it was suspicious that he had an AI in his phone came a bit too late. 

"Are you sure Peter? I could answer it on your behalf", Karen voice rang out, now in the silent class, a thousand times more human than the Siri's that half the class had. 

Peter could hear gasps and whispers and he smiled a bit to himself, even if it wasn't him who made Karen, he helped improve her a lot, so he was pretty proud of her.  That pride immediately vanished when the voice of the one and only Tony Stark suddenly came out. 

"Hey, kid, Peter, I'm just calling to ask..."

  "Peter?", he asked when he didn't hear Peter's immediate chatter.

"Who is this?", Mr. Chui asked hesitantly, he thought the voice was a bit familiar.

"Who are you and what are you doing with Peter's phone?", Mr. Stark asked angrily. 

"Uummm...Don't worry Mr. Stark it's just my English teacher Mr. Chui", Peter said, a second later he realised his mistake. 

The whispers began. 

"Stark?"  "O my god"  "What the heck"  "No way that's real"  "He did sound a bit familiar" 

Then suddenly.. 

"Ha, no way that's real Parker, you just paid someone to call you and pretend he was Tony Stark. You're so sad, trying to get popularity", Flash's voice said above all others. 

The whole time Peter was making to cut it out sign to him and looking at the phone in panic. 

"Excuse me? Who the heck do you think you are?", the voice from the phone said, now very angry. 

"Just stop mister, we all know Parker has been paying you, so you can cut the act and say who you really are", Flash said triumphantly. 

The voice said nothing back, you could only hear....a sort of metallic sound. 

'Shoot! He's in the Iron Man suit, he's coming, shoot, shoot, shoot!' 

Those were Peter's internal thoughts at that moment, but Flash just decided to go on. 

"Wow, he even plays a Iron Man sound, how much did you pay him Parker? He must be just as poor as you, to take your little money. You're so stupid, just like your Iron Man wannabe", Flash taunted, still looking like he had just won the Olympics or something. 

"Do I seem real now?", the phone suddenly said, a bit smug. 

"What, no, of course, not you......", Flash began again, a bit confused, before his voice died off. 

Because there, before the window of their school, was the Iron Man suit.  Someone quickly opened the window.  The Iron Man suit opened and Tony Stark climbed into the window, what was actually pretty funny since the window was small, and put his sunglasses on.  The whole class was gaping, well, almost the whole class, Ned was fanboying, MJ was drawing Flash and Peter was groaning into his arms. 

"So", Tony began with an air of superiority,"Eugene Thompson" 

He glared at Flash, who looked like he was going to cry. 

"You didn't believe I was real, now I'm here, what do you have to say for yourself?", Tony said, now very smug but still angry. 

Flash just whimpered and looked away. 

"I thought so, now, if you ever even look at Peter the wrong way ever again, well you don't want to know what would happen", Tony was full on smirking, but Peter still could hear the angry undertone. 

"Y..yes, sir", Flash said, shrinking into himself. 

"Now", Tony turned to Mr. Chui,"can I take Peter home, he's pretty shaken." 

Peter wasn't shaken, he knew that was just an excuse to take him home. 

"Yes, of course sir", Mr. Chui cleated his throated and straitened up before the celebrity. 

"Good", Tony turned to Peter, who saw the angry glint in his eyes,"let's go." 

Tony climbed in his suit and closed it and, with a sigh and a last look at his dumbfounded class, Peter climbed on his back and they flew away.  When they were home, let's just say, it wasn't pretty for Peter. 

But, look on the bright side, from that day forward, Flash never even looked at him the wrong way again.

Hello! I'm back! I haven't been here for a while, sorry about that but I'm hoping to be more productive. I actually was thinking of writing a new book on Percy Jackson characters in high school. Please let me know about what you think! Thanks!

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