Spider Gwen Part 2:

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A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter but I double updated so there's that hehe. Also please don't judge this series too hard cause I wrote it like 2 years ago lmaoo. Anyway enjoy ;)

Peter's POV


Gwen felt limp in my arms. I placed Gwen lightly on the floor. She was shaking violently. My pulse sped up.

I put my hands on Gwen's shoulders and tried to calm her down. All of a sudden she stopped shaking.

I placed two fingers on her neck and I felt no pulse. My eyes widened. No I couldn't lose Gwen.

"Gwen Gwen please!" I yelled holding her in my arms. Tears fell down my cheeks as I swept her hair from her face. "No not you, not you Gwen," I whispered.

All my classmates stood behind me staring in shock.

"Friday! Where's Mr. Stark?" I screamed. "They are coming Peter," Friday said with a hint of sadness in her voice. I didn't know Ai's could feel emotions. You learn something new everyday.

After a few moments pass, Friday speaks to me again. "They are here Peter," Friday said to me. I looked up from Gwen's body. The elevator dinged and out stepped three of the avengers.

Steve, Tony, and Wanda looked at Gwen and I in shock, but quickly recovered. I guess Avengers were used to acting quickly.

Steve ran over and picked up Gwen gently in his arms. Tony reaches over Steve to put a stabilizer on Gwen's arm that would hopefully keep her alive till they could help her better. Wanda walked with Tony and kept everyone back.

Wanda came over to me and pulled me into an embrace. "It's okay Pete. She'll be fine," Wanda said ruffling my hair. Whether I believed her or not, was a different story.

I stared at Steve and Tony as they loaded Gwen on the elevator to take her to the clinic. "Please save her," I whispered to Tony. I think he heard me, because he nodded before he left.

After they left, I stood there dumbfounded that I may lose my best friend. I swallowed my worries and stayed in Wanda's embrace.


Wanda left me alone in my thoughts. She said she was going to join Mr. Stark to help Gwen. She said that she'll update me soon. I nodded as I stared into space and she left me alone.

A few minutes after standing there staring into space, I crumpled into a ball on the floor.

My parents and uncle were already gone, I couldn't lose Gwen. "Please god, torture me instead!" I yelled to the sky, weeping. I didn't know if God truly existed, but if he did he could save Gwen.

I pulled my knees into my chest and shivered as I remembered how lifeless Gwen was in my arms. She was dead. If she's still dead and they couldn't revive her, I don't know what I'll do.

I won't see her radiant smile anymore, or how the sun shines on her and makes her eyes sparkle. Or how sweet her laugh makes me feel. If she dies, all of that is over. My life is over.


I wake up on the ground shivering from the cold. Apparently I had fell asleep waiting for Tony. Unfortunately I fell asleep in the worst possible place, the floor.

I stood up groggily and noticed that no one was here. They must have canceled the tour.

A thought struck my head. They must have had time to cancel the tour, so they must have helped Gwen! I have to go see her.

I went over to the dining room table and grabbed my jacket. I sped into the elevator and told Friday to take me to the 13th floor. The clinic.


The elevator left me at the 13th floor. On the floor was a small lobby and seperate doctor offices. There was no one in there.

"Hey, Friday. Where is everyone?" I said. "At the moment they are all in the avengers lounge having a meeting. What can I do for you Peter?" Friday responded. "Well, Fri, where is Gwen's room in the clinic?" I say slyly. "Well it's #12, but wait till I tell Mr. Stark you're up here," Friday says.

Before she can warn Mr. Stark, I speed down the hallway and stop in front of room 12. "I don't think this is a good idea sir," Friday says. I ignore her and turn the knob to her room.

I find myself standing there. I turn the knob harder. Nothing. The door won't budge. I try pushing on the door. Nothing. I run at the door and open it with force. The door's hinges creak with the pressure and the door opens.

I topple into the room and immediately get tangled up in something sticky. "What the.." I move my arms around . There is a sticky substance that is sticking them to the floor.

Then I suddenly realize what it is. I use these everyday. It was spiderwebs. There were spiderwebs stuck in Gwen's room. Oh no.

I stepped further into the room and come face to face with Gwen sitting up on her clinic bed. Gwen's wrists had spiderwebs shooting out of them and it seemed like she couldn't get them undone.

We stare at each other in shock. Gwen is the first to speak, "Pete, I think there's something wrong with me."

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