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It has been a year since Peter's Aunt died. May died of cancer a little while after Peter had become Spider-Man. Peter was devastated. After May died, he was never the same. Even after Tony Stark adopted Peter and Peter started to live in Avengers Tower. Despite fulfilling his dream as a valued Avenger, Peter was never truly happy. He always had his Aunt on his mind. After all, she was his last relative and she had cared so much for Peter, she had even accepted the fact that he was Spider-Man. Peter couldn't let her death leave his mind.
"Come one kid, let's do something together! As a family! Isn't there anything you want to do for a trip?"!Tony asked Peter desperately. Peter looked down solemnly, "I just don't feel like it. If we took a trip, I would just keep remembering May. Like the trip when she took me to Disneyland. That was the best trip ever, but without her, I don't know..." Tony looked at the other Avengers, "Okay kid, well you've got to get to school." Peter nodded and grabbed his backpack and left the building. Tony looked at the other Avengers after Peter left. Tony had a mischievous grin on his face, "Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" All the Avengers looked confused at each other and Steve sighed, "We never are Tony."

"We never are..."
"Dad, what's this about? I have a test next period," Peter asked quizzically. Tony smiles at him, "You'll see when we get there and trust me this is way more important that a test that you can make up next week." Peter started to get scared. He hasn't seen his dad this happy since Clint pranked Steve and Steve ended up being colored pink for the rest of the week.

Tony had picked Peter up from school early today and then took him to the car where Happy and all of Peter's and Tony's luggage was. Then they had started to drive and Tony wouldn't answer any questions.

A half hour later the car turns into a large parking garage. "Dad where are we???" Peter asks as he and Tony get out of the car. Tony grabs their luggage from the back with a smile, "You'll see kid, you'll see..." Peter cocked an eyebrow at Tony and sighed. Tony grabs all the bags and beckons Peter to follow him. Peter and Tony walk up a flight of stairs and emerge into the sunlight.

Peter blinks, adjusting to the light, and is shocked at what he sees, "What the-" Tony smiles back at him. Peter stares at thousands of children running around. They all have Mickey Mouse ears on. Peter looked at Tony and Tony nodded at him. "Ummm, Tony please don't tell me we are in-" Peter said, but was interrupted. "Yup, welcome to Disneyland, Peter," a voice said from behind Peter.

Peter swivels around to see Steve and the rest of the Avengers behind him. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Peter says. Steve puts Captain America Mickey Mouse themed ears on, "We wouldn't miss out on a Disney trip with you, kid." Peter smiles. The rest of the Avengers put on their Disney apparel. It's pretty shocking to see the all tough and powerful Avengers in Disney attire. When Natasha put on a little mermaid shirt and pink bedazzled Mickey Mouse ears, Peter was truly frightened. "Well, I suppose I need some ears too," Peter said smiling at the Avengers. "Already thought of that kid," Tony said and pulled out Spider-Man themed Mickey Mouse ears. Peter took the ears and placed them on his head, "This is amazing guys. Thank you," Peter said.

"Well, hold your horses kid, this is not all. We have tickets to both parks and we are staying here for 3 days!" Clint said. Peter squealed. No one is too old for Disneyland. Especially Peter. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go Peter!" Wanda said excitedly. Peter nodded and all the Avengers set off for the park.
"Stop Clint!" Peter laughs as Clint tries to snatch Peter's ice cream cone. Clint pouts, "But, I want a taste." "You're an adult, go buy your own," Wanda says to him. Clint pouts again, but goes to the cart to buy his own ice cream.

After they had eaten, the whole group went on the Guardians of the Galaxy ride. "Dude, why do they get a ride? Last I remembered, their leader let Thanos go and destroy half of the planet. Their whole team is crap," Tony says bitterly. Peter laughs and pats Tony's back.

The whole day had been like that, eating ice cream, riding rollercoasters, and having fun. Peter has never had so much fun with the Avengers. He really felt like he could call them family. At that thought Peter started tearing up. His real family had all died and he couldn't let this one die too. Tony sees Peter getting upset and he sets a hand on the boy's shoulder, "Come on Pete, let's go meet Spider-Man." Peter looked quizzically at Tony. Tony smiles, "Come on kid."

Tony leads Peter over to a corner by the Guardians of the Galaxy ride. Over in the corner was Spider-Man. Not the real Spider-Man, but a guy dressed as him. All the kids in line to meet him were erratic and excited. Peter smiles and gets in line. Soon it's Peter's turn and he comes up to the fake Spider-Man. "Hello, could a I get a picture with you?" Peter asks. The man nods and poses with Peter. Tony takes the picture and they leave.

"Look Pete, look at all those kids who idolize you. Those kids are why you became Spider-Man. Don't ever lose your charisma," Tony says to Peter. Peter smiles at Tony, "Thanks Dad." They walk back to the other Avengers and continue their fun.

Peter will always remember the days spent at Disneyland with his amazing, super, family.

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