Peter goes on a mission

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This story is made by: UngratefulCupcake
"C'mon Dad, pleaseee!" Peter once again pleaded with Tony, pouting and giving his famous puppy dog eyes. This same conversation happened almost everyday now, and Tony's answer was always the same. "No. You're not coming on a mission with us, it's too dangerous. I don't want you getting hurt." Tony just wished that his son would stop asking, the missions were too dangerous and if he got hurt, he didn't know what he'd do with himself. Peter was the most important thing in his life, well one of the most important things in his life. "Why not? I think you should give him a chance. He's been asking for months if he could go on a mission with us, and you know that if he really wanted to that he could just follow us anyway." Steve strolled into the room, deciding to but in on their conversation. "Thanks pops!" Peter smiled thanking his other father. "Please Dad?" Tony looked at Peter, then at Steve, and then Peter again and then huffed "Fine! But if I see one scratch on you when we get back, you're grounded and I not letting you come on any more mission, got it?" Tony looked sternly into his son's eyes. Peter smiled excitedly at his Dad and beamed "Thanks Dad! I promise I'll be careful and I'll do my best to help you. This is gonna be awesome! I get to fight with my parents and the Avengers! What's the mission gonna be?" "I don't know. We don't have one ye-" "Mr Stark, Director Fury is calling" JARVIS interrupted Tony, alerting them from them of the incoming call. "What does Pirate Man want? "There are some creatures attacking people down town. The others on their way, get your buts down there and join them!" Fury hacked into the system and then immediately ended the call before Stark could say no. "Well I guess we have a mission. Suit up Spider man." Steve smiled down at his son, proud of what he was. --------------------------------------------------------------

"What the heck are these things?" Clint called over the coms. He defeated five monsters at the same time, killing them instantly. At least it looked like he hit them at the same time, since he shot the arrows so fast. Everyone was thinking the same question. The creatures looked kind of like lizards, a dark greenish colour with scales as skin. They had a lizard eye, yes they only had one, but they walked like humans and didn't speak. "No one knows. Just wipe them out so we can go home." Tony replied, just wanting to go home, back to the tower, where he knew Peter would be safe. "This is awesome! These things are kinda ugly though. Definitely a face only a mother cold love. You know what, I take that back. A mother could never love that one. Ew, I think I might throw up." Peter held his stomach with one hand showing a sick gesture, then webbed a few creatures to the wall. "Who brought the kid?" Bucky asked over the coms, whilst hitting another creature into the wall and knocking it out. "We did" Tony and Steve answered at the same time. "Of course you did." Natasha kicked one of the lizard things in the gut and than hit it in the head just as it was about to get Peter. "Watch your back" "Okay!" Peter called back as she ran away to keep fighting. Peter was having a blast, fighting with his family (the AVENGERS!) was great! He loved it! In the corner of his eye, he saw one of the lizard creatures rapidly approaching his dad whilst he was distracted, "POPS, BEHIND YO-" "PETER!!" Steve immediately finished off the creature that was coming towards him and quickly ran over to his son, who was now laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood. Clint shot an arrow at the creature before it could hurt the boy anymore, than moved on to the ones around him, so that Steve could get him out of there. "Get the kid out of here! We'll meet you back at the Tower!" He ordered the man. "Wait! I'll do it, I'm faster!" Tony called after them, flying over in his iron man armour. "Okay." Steve gave him their son and started fighting again, no time to spare. "I told you not a scratch." He whispered "Sorry dad"

(A/N: i was gonna leave it here, but I'm not that mean 😉) --------------------------------------------------------------

His eyes quickly flew open, than immediately closed again as the light hit him. "Ow. Too bright." "F.R.I.D.A.Y turn the lights down please." A voice called from beside him. "Dad?" "Yeah kid, it's me. Luckily your injury wasn't too bad, but you're not going another mission with his anytime soon." Tony scolded, with a stern voice. "Aw c'mon. It wasn't my fault!" Peter pleaded, now able to fully open his eyes and look at his father. There was squeak to the left of the two and the door opened, allowing his other father to join in on the conversation. "Your dad's right Peter. You need to heal, and obviously you need more training." Steve gave him the dad look. He knew not to talk back to that look, it meant that when he made a decision, Peter couldn't argue and there was no point in trying. "Fine." He looked at the ground sulking like a 5 year old. "Good"

I love this story by Ungratefulcupcake. I promise I will be posting more of my own one-shots, but I posted this one to pass time and give you guys something. We are almost to 500 readers on this book! Crazy!!! Thank you guys so much, let's try to get to 1k! Please please read my new book 'The Favorite'. I'm really excited about it and I hope you guys like it too.

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