Spider Gwen Part 4:

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Short little chapter here. Sorry for being gone so long guys. I've had a lot going on and have kinda lost motivation on this book. Don't worry though, I will finish strong and get this book to 50 chapters before I complete it. While I'm working on actually good one-shots, here are some more parts of this spider Gwen story. Bare in mind I wrote this like several years ago so it sucks. Anyway please let me know if you was more of this story or if I should cut it off quickly.

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 By mid-afternoon, they were all over the news. Every television, phone, recorder, and newspaper had the newest hero plastered on it. Who am I talking about? Spider Woman of course. Don't ask me who she is. I have no idea. I just don't know who it could be and why she chose to copy me. Of course, I'm not that upset that there is a new figure that's similar to me, but I wish that I knew who it was. At least if I knew who it was I could give her proper hero guidelines. 

For one, her work is sloppy. She barely catches any criminals and the ones she does catch are easy crooks that any one could get. 

And her suit is just terrible. I wish that I would help her design a new suit, because her's just looks like a bunch of random scraps of fabric sewed together. Her suit probably is not resilient at all and it probably has no extra gadgets. I hope she gets a new suit soon. There are many other things that she could improve on, but I don't have enough time to list them. Am I being too nit-picky? Probably. But, my hope is that she is reading this and she learns from my advice. It's killing me inside. 

 I need to find out who Spider Woman is! But, how? You would think that it would be Gwen, because she was just diagnosed with spider-like abilities and she wanted to become a hero, but no it couldn't be. A lab test from a week ago showed that Gwen lost her abilities. You see, after Gwen shockingly shot spiderwebs out of her wrists, we didn't know what to do. I did not want Gwen becoming a full fledged superhero and it would be hard for her to hide in her normal life, so Tony told me that he would see what he could do. A couple days later, he showed me a possible formula that will take away Gwen's abilities. I double checked the formula to make sure she wouldn't get any problems from it and then we gave her the solution. I'm guessing it worked, because the next morning there were no signs of special abilities in Gwen and Tony even ran a lab test to make sure of it. The lab test came up negative, so obviously the new hero couldn't be Gwen. Even though it's not Gwen, I wanted to go ask her what she thought of it. 

Gwen was sleeping in her room at Avenger's tower. Tony thought it would be a good idea to let her sleep there in case of a "spider" emergency, but really I just wanted to keep a close watch on her after this week's events. Gwen's room was simple, but personalized. The walls were a shade of light pink and she had a light blue desk beside a white dresser. Gwen had a queen sized bed that was turquoise, purple, pink, and white. All those colors don't sound good together, but they are actually really pretty. I guess Gwen wanted something different. Her rug is white and plastered all along her wall above her bed are tons of different photos. Sometimes when I'm bored and when Gwen isn't here, I'll sneak into her room to look at all her photos. Most of the photos have me in it. A few of the shots have Ned or an Avenger. I love looking at all the memories that she keeps. 

 "Hey Peter. What's up?" Gwen said sitting cross-legged on her bed. 

"Um, the ceiling?" I said smiling as I pointed up to the brightly colored ceiling. Gwen laughs at my pun.

 "Actually nothing much. I just came to ask what you thought on the topic on Spider Woman..." I said sitting next to Gwen on her bed. 

Gwen tilts an eyebrow at me, " Since when have you cared about the news?" 

"Never, but I just thought it was interesting how close Spider Woman is to me and I wanted to know your opinion on who you thought it was," I said to Gwen. 

Gwen sighs, "Well, I don't know who it is, but I wish I did." I could tell that Gwen was lying. Her face wasn't very convincing, that and my spidey-senses. I'll get to the bottom of this. 

"But, you know, maybe one of our classmates got bitten too and they became Spider Woman. That would be a good place to start our search," Gwen said. 

I nodded and realized what she said, "Wait, our search???"

 Gwen nods, "Sure, I'd love to help." I know that she's is trying to "help" me, but really she is going to veer me off onto a different path, so that I don't find out the truth. I don't know why she cares so much about me not knowing, but I'm going to find out what Gwen's hiding, with or without her approval.  

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