I Love You 3000

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Ya'll I'm back!!! Ahhh I gotta say I missed you all. I just kinda lost motivation for writing and I got really busy but I'm going to try to write more! I'm going to try to add more here and to another of my original books. Also would y'all like it if I made an avengers one shot book? Let me know in the comments! Anyway here's a new chapter! Enjoy!


Peter rubbed his sweaty hands against his black sleek pants. He had never felt this nervous in his entire life. Tonight was the night. He couldn't think straight. Peter got up out of his seat and left the restaurant. He started to pace outside in the chilly winter air to clear his head. What if she said no? He sucked in a deep breath and quickly exhaled.

"Hey Peter"

Peter whirled around and his jaw dropped. Mj stood in front of him looking as beautiful as ever.

"Wow Mj. You look gorgeous" Peter gushed.

Mj ducked and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "thanks you look nice too"

Peter held out his right arm for her to loop her arm in. "Shall we?"

Mj nodded and followed Peter into the restaurant. It was a nice restaurant with not too many people. Peter had booked a whole section of the restaurant to themselves because he knew how Mj wasn't fond of many people. Peter pulled the chair out for Mj and then sat down himself.

Peter and Mj studied the menu then ordered. Peter made sure to ask for champagne from the server.

As the meal came and went, Peter became more and more nervous. By the time they were sipping champagne, he was soaked in sweat. His fingers gripped the tiny box in his pocket tightly. This was it.

"Mj, I just wanted to say how much I love you. You've been there for me through everything and I wouldn't ask for a better girlfriend"

Mj smiled and grabbed a hold of his hand over the table.

"Which is why..."

Peter started to pull out the box but a waiter near by tripped and dropped a plate of spaghetti right onto Peter's lap.

Peter jumped up trying to not stain the new tux.

"Oh sir I am so sorry"

Peter waved a hand at the clumsy waiter "don't worry about it"

Mj stood up and tried to help Peter clean up with her napkin.

She then moved her thumb up to his face to clean off a spaghetti sauce smudge on his face.

Peter's heart clenched at the love he felt for this woman. He grabbed her hand from his face and kissed her palm.

"Come on Peter why don't we take a walk"

Peter sighed, the first phase of his plan didn't work but he can fix it. There's still time left in the night.

"Yes let's do that" Peter said and followed Mj out of the restaurant and towards the city path.

Peter and Mj passed a pond and it was gorgeous. Mj stopped for a moment to look at the swans in the pond while Peter started to pull out the box again. As Peter went to kneel down, a swan honked startling him, making him stumble and fall into the pond.

"Oh my god! Peter!" Mj cried out as Peter splashed into the water.

He stood up and tried to step out of the watery bank. He kept slipping but eventually made it out.

Peter let his head dip down. Nothing had gone right. Tonight was supposed to be perfect but he has continuously ruined it. At least he still had the ring. The ring! Peter checked his pocket to find it empty. Peter panicked looking on the ground to try and find it. He must have dropped it in the pond when he fell! Just in case Peter patted himself down trying to seem inconspicuous to Mj. He thankfully found the ring in another pocket on his suit that was buttoned closed. Peter let out a long breath he had been holding.

"Oh Peter are you okay?" Mj asked with concern clear in her eyes.

Peter sighed, "Yea I'm okay"

Mj hugged him but quickly released him

"You're really wet" Mj laughed

Peter let out a chuckle "oh really?"

Mj's eyes widened as Peter ran after her. Peter eventually caught up to her and enclosed his arms around her. She squirmed but he had done it. She was now as wet as he was

"Peter!!" Mj squealed.

Peter let her go and she ran again. By then they were back to their hotel.

"Alright I'm going to go change, but as soon as I'm done meet me in the room okay?" Peter said.

Mj nodded and they left for their room.

"I'm going to get us some coffee first while you change" Mj added and Peter nodded.

Mj left for the little cafe in the hotel lobby. "Two black coffees with cream and sugar please"

The barista nodded and after a few minutes, he handed her two hot coffees.

Mj sipped one and smiled. It was nice and warm after the chilly walk they had. She knew Peter would enjoy it.

Mj walked back up the stairs to their room. She knocked on the door, "Peter?"

She didn't hear an answer but the door seemed to be unlocked so she walked in. She noticed that the lights were dimmed and there was soft jazz music playing.

Mj scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion, "Hello? Peter?"

She continued walking through the room and discovered that there was a faint light coming from the balcony. She opened the drapes and stepped out. A cold wind met her but she still felt warm. Mj noticed candles around her and rose petals drifting around on the floor. She finally turned around and in doing so spot Peter. He was kneeling down-

"Oh my god" Mj said as she put a hand to her mouth in shock.

Peter just smiled and brought out a small velvet box. He opened the box to showcase a gorgeous black diamond ring. Mj gasped in its beauty and she began to tear up.

"Michelle Isabella Jones, you have brought me so much joy these several years. From being a fellow mathlete to a friend I confided in about my secret identity, to my girlfriend, you have never left my side. I can't imagine being in love with any other girl. You are funny, kind, beautiful, strong, and so so special. Best of all, you are mine. I don't know what I did to deserve you but obviously I did something right because I was blessed with an amazing girlfriend and best friend. Because that's what you are. You're my girl friend but also my best friend. I get to wake up and go to sleep next to my best friend and I wouldn't have it any other way. I want to keep you in my life forever. So, Mj what do you say? Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

Mj looked at him with so much love and tears in her eyes that at first she was speechless. However it only took her a second to launch herself into Peter's arms and scream "Yes yes yes!"

Peter laughed and yelled "she said yes!"

Mj looked at Peter who was still looking towards the sky, grinning.

"Who are you talking to Peter?"

Peter looked at Mj with a slight smile on his face, "I'm talking to Mr. Stark. I know he's watching and he's happy for us"

Mj looked at him with love but also sympathy.

"Of course he's watching us Peter. And I know he's incredibly happy that you got the guts to ask the question" Mj said while hugging Peter tightly.

Peter chuckled.

"And you know what?" Mj said

"What?" Peter questioned.

Mj nuzzled next to Peter's ear and whispered, "I love you 3000"

After she said that Peter looked at her with so much pride and admiration that it made her heart swell.

Peter kissed her passionately and then whispered against her lips, "I love you infinity"

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