Finally in the street, I drove off quickly, making my back tires let out a squeak against the road. I tried not to feel angry about the whole thing but why on earth would she say something like that? And for dirty talk? Pisses me off.

I pulled out my phone to call Brady. It rang out and I had to leave a voicemail. "Hey dude, I'm going home. Tell Hailey's friend I couldn't come, for me, thanks," I hung up and threw it onto the passenger seat.

I sighed a heavy breath, feeling myself starting to calm down as I stopped at a red light. It said someone was crossing.

I leaned back and rubbed my eyes, keeping a hand on the wheel. I took in the silence during this. The music from the party was extremely loud, when I got outside they started ringing like crazy. They weren't anymore but now I was getting a headache.

Turning my attention back to the road, my eyes had landed on the person who was crossing. And low and behold, I saw her. The deaf girl from school. She was wearing jeans that were cuffed at the bottom and a ripped up white t-shirt. With her bags handed over her shoulder, she strolled along the road and onto the sidewalk.

My mind went somewhere during this. Why was she walking this late at night? Why is she wearing that? It's cold here in March. Doesn't she have a car? Where's her car? Why isn't she driving instead of walking? Where would she have gone at night? What if-

The blaring sound of a car's honk ripping me out of my thoughts, causing me to jump and look behind me to see a car. I looked forward and the light was green. Sighing, I pressed the gas and moved forward. But making a quick glance to the side just to see her still walking down the road, I forced myself to let it go.

What am I doing?


It was Monday now.

The rest of my weekend seemed like it went by faster than I could blink. Yesterday, which was Sunday, I helped my mom out with some of the yard work around the house while my dad had to take another shift. I barely saw him but that was a good thing.

My mom and I cleared up the lawn, racking up the leaves that fell out of our dead trees and gave the side of the house some touch up paint so the landlord wouldn't deduct us.

I was walking myself to English this morning. Brady never returned my call so I assumed I would see him here first thing. But sadly, I didn't. I thought to myself, maybe he's running late. I took my seat as usual and examined the room. Seeing that I was early, there were fewer people in the room. Ms. Brown was at her desk, noting taking her eyes off her computer as students walked in.

There were mixed chatters from around the room so I couldn't really eavesdrop on anyone in particular. Some girls would eye me coming in, smile and wave and I'd return the favor, making them giggle as I acknowledged them.

I pulled out my phone to text Brady.

Dude, where are you at?

I sent it and waited a few seconds before shoving it down my pocket. I didn't know what to do with myself. I looked back and saw the back table empty. So the girl's not here. I wondered what she was doing right now. Or what she was doing last night.

I wonder if she made it home. What if she wasn't going home though?

"All right everyone," Ms. Brown screeched into my ears. She stood up from her desk, holding a piece of paper as the bell rang. Late students came in shortly, handing her slips before taking their seats. "Today is the start of our new and last semester of the year," she tried to sound excited. "And to start it off, I'm giving you guys new searing arrangements," she said.

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