Before Raf could open his mouth I silenced him, knowing full well that he wanted to be briefed. "We go in and shoot them to shit. No negotiation." I said sternly. His lips tugged into a small smirk and he pulled out his gun.

Sergio nodded at me as he too held out his gun. I did have a word with him before to not intervene unless necessary. I wanted to see what Lira could do. I know she's trained, to be
deadly but there's nothing better than seeing it with my own two eyes.

"All right, follow my lead." I said and walked into the apartment. I did not even need to kick in the door, it was barely on its hinges. There was more trash inside, the tiled floor was filthy and broken in places. It smelt strongly of urine and alcohol. To the right were a set of wooden stairs which led up a few floors. And to the left was a thin little man.

He stumbled about on his feet when he saw me, Lira and Raf. He was clearly very intoxicated. If he didn't know who I was, he could see how I didn't belong in such a place and that's good enough to warn everyone that I was here. Before he could run away, I grabbed ahold of his T-shirt and kept him in place.

"Your boss, where is he?" I ordered. The man whimpered, he didn't bother fighting back. "Upstairs..the third floor." He slurred out slowly. He was quite young but sadly in the wrong place with the wrong crowd. I placed my hands on either side of his head and twisted it. We heard a crack as his spine was broken. I quietly lay him down on the floor.

I headed upstairs, the old stairs creaked under my weight. At the first floor, we stopped to check the rooms. I saw Raf head off to the left wile holding his gun out. Lira and I checked the right side.

Stopping at one door, I pushed it open. Lira held her gun up and nodded at me. However, inside was only a mattress. It was filthy and it lay on the grimy floor. There were needles and broken glass littered everywhere. Fuck.

The second door we opened I wished we hadn't. A girl lay sprawled across a dirty mattress. Her clothes were torn, her hair a mess and her skin was deathly pale. I immediately knelt beside her and felt for a pulse under her jaw. But it was obvious, she had died quite a while ago.

Her arms were dotted with needle marks, her body was used and disposed off as if she didn't have a name. As if she didn't have a family or a home. Many girls and women who have been prostituted like this have likely been trafficked or stolen. Robbed of everything and made dependent on drugs.

I sighed and clenched my jaws. I felt Lira place her hand on my shoulder. "Life can be so fucked up." She said. I agreed. It can be very fucked up and very shitty but I can at least do something about it.

We checked every single room, finding the same thing every time. Either a empty room or a murdered soul. In one room was a disgusting man who was actually fucking the lifeless body of a girl. He was high and delirious. Lira was the one to kill him. She beat him senseless and then cracked his skull on a loose brick. He deserved much worse but the men running this operation deserved the very worst.

"You good?" I asked Lira as she looked down at her bloody hands. She nodded and looked at me. "This is not the first time I've seen places like this. They just make my skin crawl."

"We'll be finished soon." I said as I saw Raf heading in our direction. I could tell he hated this place as much as we did.

We climbed the final set of stairs and I could now hear voices. Men's voices. About seven different voices to be precise.

I didn't hesitate and I kicked open the door with ease. The men instantly silenced and turned my way. They drew their weapons but their hands shook as they put them down. Their eyes went wide with horror. They looked my way unable to breathe. They were fucked.

I stepped into the room, my face completely emotionless. Raf and Lira also came inside and stood at the side. Some of the men were sat down at a rectangular table which was topped with drinks and cigarette butts. They were counting petty dollars. Music blared in the background.

The men had guns and knives, yet they dared to make a move against me. I noticed a young girl was also in the room. Her makeup was stained along with dried up tears. She wore a revealing red dress and one of the men had his arm tightly around her waist.

"You fuckers dare to make a mockery of me?" I growled. "Are you not afraid of what I'll do to you? You see, I know. I know what's going on here." I looked at all the men. Their faces paled drastically. They were all a bunch of cowards and imbeciles.

"You. Come here." I called to the girl while gesturing her over with a finger. She was clearly in distress. She gulped and tried to wiggle out of the mans harsh grip. He didn't let go. I pulled out my knife and held it up to my face. This was enough to petrify the man and he let go of her. She didn't move from her spot. I threw the knife and it struck the man in the shoulder. He screamed out in pain and clutched his now bleeding shoulder.

"Don't you dare fucking move!" I growled loudly at the rest of the men. They did shuffle in their seats but they didn't move. "I said come here." I ordered the girl. She breathed heavily and slowly stumbled over. She stood behind me. I was being a little harsh I'll admit but I wasn't in a good mood.

"Do you fucking think you can run this shit here?" I asked not expecting an answer. A man spoke up. He had balls. "He made us! I swear I didn't want this. I have a family. Please." He cried out while pointing at another man.

I chuckled darkly. "What do we have here? A coward. A traitor. Let's get one thing straight. As of now, you have all disrespected me. I have zero tolerance for disrespect. All those women, they're all dead that means you're all dead."

I saw a man on the far right quietly pull up his gun. "Please you do not want to do that." I spoke coldly as I stared at him. He stilled instantly and his breathing went ragged.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a cigarette. Lighting it, I looked at Lira and Raphael. "Who wants the pleasure?" I asked. Raphael looked at Lira, he was chewing some gum now. "Ladies first." He spoke and came to stand beside me.

So I smoked and Raphael chewed his gum as we both leaned against the wall. We watched as Lira effortlessly killed all the men. She shot one man in his gut and snapped his neck. The next was punched and shot in the mouth, his brain splattered against the wall. Damn.

They tried to fight back but it was useless, she was fucking good. I raised a brow but hardly flinched when I saw one of the men raise his gun at me. Lira saw this and kicked it from his hand. She pushed him against the wall and shot him in the heart.

"Looks like I don't need you anymore Raf." I smirked at him. He mocked my words and rolled his eyes. Fucking ass. The men were all dead. The room was splashed in blood. Lira stood with her gun in hand as if nothing had happened. Fucking beautiful.

"This was certainly interesting...what are you going to do about her?" Lira asked as she pointed at the girl who stood silently to the side. Fuck, she must have seen the carnage that went on. No ordinary person could cope with such violence and death.

I looked at her and she flinched, I don't blame her. "Do you have any family here? Anywhere to go?" I asked her. I tossed my cigarette onto the table and looked at her.

She shook her head. It was then I noticed a large cut across her neck. It wasn't deep but it would most definitely get infected if not treated. "Let's go." I said and headed for the door. Raf gently coaxed the women to follow us out. Lira led the way out and I couldn't help but look at her ass, unintentionally of course.

I told Sergio to deal with the mess which is something I don't have to brother with. I have more pressing matters at hand. Lira was still with me and I wanted to cook for her.

I do apologise if this chapter was distressing but I have always intended to show the dark side to Mafia's.

This chapter was a little raw and disgusting. But it happens in the real world as awful as it is. I wish it didn't.

I am also feeling super exhausted and a little sick right now but I promised an update and an update you shall have! 😌 love you!

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Look I grew trees

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