Chapter 75 - Spralmer (Spot x Race x Albert x Elmer)

Começar do início

Race laughs.

Spot chuckles, kissing the top of Albert's head.

Race pulls out his phone, taking a picture of still giggling Elmer and Molly and sending it to the Newsies group chat.

He sits down on the couch next to his other two boyfriends.

Albert and Spot were teasing each other about something.

Race just looks at his phone.

Romeo had responded to the picture.

Romeo: I love El's outfit. The skirt is really cute.
P.S. Specs is typing for me since I'm laying my head in his lap and don't feel like moving, so that's why there is proper punctuation and grammar and such.

Race laughs to himself.

Elmer lays his head on Race's shoulder. "Whatcha doin'?" He speaks up curiously.

Race looks at him. "You've gotten Spot's accent a bit." He comments, laughing a bit.

Elmer sits down next to him in the couch, his head still on Race's shoulder. "What can I say?" He starts. "I pick up accents very well." He starts, using a very poor British accent.

Race laughs. "That was horrible."

Elmer laughs.

Elmer leaves his head on Race's shoulder, holding Race's hand and letting Race rub circles into the palm of his hand as they scrolled through Race's phone together.

"That's cute." Elmer uses his free hand to point to a skirt.

It was a pretty shade of teal.

Race nods. "It is."

They had somehow made it to the clothing side of Pinterest after scrolling through the Theatre side for a while.

(A/N, me yesterday lol.)

"And that dress." Elmer adds, his eyes glued to the small screen in Race's hand. "It's just a bit long. I'd trip over it."

Race laughs. "Me too."

Albert and Spot look at them, smiling softly. They're so cute.

Albert looks down at their hands, entwining their fingers.

Spot smiles.

Albert leans his head over a bit.

Spot presses a soft kiss to his forehead.

"As much as I hate to disrupt this moment," Race starts softly. "I need to go start cooking."

Elmer nods, pulling away from him.

Race gets up. "Spot, want to join me?" He asks.

Spot nods, getting up.

Spot shoots Albert a look, nodding subtly to Elmer.

Albert nods, going and sitting on the couch next to his boyfriend. "Hey, want to watch a movie?" He asks.

Elmer looks at him. "Can we play a game?" He asks.

Albert nods. "Sure. What game?" He asks.

Elmer thinks for a moment.

Race and Spot chuckle softly, walking into the kitchen.

"He's adorable." Race comments.

Spot shoots him a smirk. "So are you," he responds with a wink.

Race's face reddens.

Spot noticed, even though Race tried to hide it while he got out a bowl.

Spot chuckles.

Albert was in charge of keeping Elmer out of the kitchen while they, usually Race, cooked.

It sometimes worked with Spot doing that, but usually it was Albert.

Elmer was a huge distraction while cooking.

Or doing anything at all.

His brain couldn't just focus on one thing at a time, he was kinda like a child, who was 21 years old.

Race points to the fridge, looking at the measuring cup he was filling. "Please grab me milk." He requests.

Spot nods, opening the fridge.

A comfortable silence falls in the kitchen while they cooked, the two boys just enjoying each other's presence.

"Do dogs lose teeth?" They heard Elmer ask.

Race and Spot chuckle, Race's eyes still fixated on the mixture he was stirring.

"Oh," Race starts. "I baked a cake the other day, while you guys were out." He informs Spot.

Spot looks at him, a soft and amused smile present on his face. "What were you stressed about and was that the only thing you cooked?" He questions.

Race's face flushes slightly. "I hate how well you know me," he mutters, stirring his mix. "But no, I also baked cookies and pizza, though I gave that to someone else." He answers.

Spot chuckles softly, walking over to him and slipping his arms around his waist.

Race leans his back against him, still stirring as Spot plants a soft kiss to his forehead.

Race smiles.

"I love you." Spot whispers, resting his chin on Race's shoulder.

Race turns his head slightly to press a kiss to Spot's cheek. "I love you too." He whispers.

Spot smiles.

"Aww!" They heard Elmer exclaim. "Bows are totally your thing, Molly!" He says.

Race and Spot heard Albert dying laughing.

"Oh gosh." Race mutters with an amused smile as he turns back to the stove.

"Will you be okay in here for one second?" Spot asks with a soft chuckle.

Race nods. "Go figure out what happened." He chuckles.

Spot laughs, leaving Race alone in the kitchen.

1684 Words

Newsies One-Shots || Newsies FandomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora