Part 8 "Tell me about yourself"

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*Tom looks at you and has to smile*

T: Actually, I only call girls "darling" when I like them.

*You blush and look down so Tom doesn't see that you've blushed. After a few minutes you realize that you are not red anymore and look at Tom who can play golf really well*

 After a few minutes you realize that you are not red anymore and look at Tom who can play golf really well*

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Y/N: How long have you been playing golf?

T: Ever since I was a kid, I've been going golfing with my dad. My brothers also play golf.

Y/N: How many brothers do you have?

T: Three


T: Yes, but they are really the best brothers you can imagine.

Y/N: That was a really nice thing you said.

T: Ok now it's your turn again

*You take the golf club and try to play golf alone for the very first time. After hitting the golf ball, you turn to Tom who is looking at you with a smile*

Y/N: What? Was I so bad that you had to laugh?

T: That was really good

*You smile shyly. Tom and you play golf for a while until some fans come up to you and want to take pictures with you. You both agree and take pictures with them.*

*When you are done you pack everything up*

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*When you are done you pack everything up*

T: Do you still feel like having a drink? Then we can talk in peace.

*You nod and together you go to the café near the golf course. You both order a tea and sit down*

T: Tell me a little more about yourself.

Y/N: There is actually not much to tell. I'm 24 years old. Lived in New York a little while ago. I love being in front of the camera. I'm an only child and I've known the whole Marvel cast since I was little. They are kind of my second family and I love to cook

T: Can I ask you why you came back to London?

*You look at him a little uncertainly*

T: It's fine if you don't want to talk about it.

Y/N: No it's alright. Filled the whole world already knows.

T: I don't look at what the press writes or posts. And Instagram sometimes I don't understand either

*You have to laugh a little, which makes Tom laugh too*

Y/N: Where do I even start.

*You tell Tom the whole story. He listens to you attentively, not like Alex who always interfered and always wanted attention. After you have told Tom everything he takes you in his arms*

T: I'm so sorry, that must have been hard for you.

Y/N: It's still hard, but that's why I'm here. To finish with him and to meet new people. Maybe you can find your true love here too. Do you have someone by your side?

T: My love life is quite sad

Y/N: I'm sure there are many girls and men who find you attractive.

*You smile at him*

T: Tell me a little bit more about yourself.

Y/N: I love parties. I almost never say no to a party, you can really be the way you want to be. I'm going to have a party tomorrow too, so if you want you can come, you can also bring your brothers or friends.

T: I would love to come.

*Tom and you continue talking for quite a while. You decide to go back to Tom's car after a while, but it wasn't so easy. There were paparazzi and camera people all around*

P: MR. Holland. Are you and Mrs Downey a couple?

P: Y/N what about her fiancé?

Y/N: There is no fiancé anymore.

*With that sentence, all the people come even closer to you. Tom stands in front of you and takes your hand. You put your hand in front of your face so they can't take good pictures. You get in and Tom drives off*

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