Part 3 "home sweet home"

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*You calm down a little and drive off. Before you moved to New York, you lived in a nice big house, and that's where you're going now. The area is nice and quiet, so just perfect for you. After two hours of driving, you finally arrived. All your stuff is already in the house, so you just have to bring your stuff in and then you can relax. You go inside and look around. There are so many of your private things in this house that you feel right at home. You take your suitcase and go to your dressing room. Now you realize how many things you have. You pack all your things and put on something else. You go downstairs and call your dad.*

RDJ: Hey honey is everything alright?

Y/N: Yeah dad everything is fine. I just wanted to let you know that I'm home now.

RDJ: I'm glad. Do you maybe want to go to dinner tomorrow? We finished shooting today and we're going out to dinner with the whole team.

Y/N: I would love to come.

RDJ: I'm glad to hear that. Your mother is looking forward to it.

Y/N: I love you so much, you know that?

RDJ: We love you too. We'll pick you up
tomorrow night at 6 pm. Get some rest now. You need it after the whole thing with Alex.

Y/N: Can we please never talk about him again?

RDJ: I'll be quiet. See you tomorrow little one.

*You say goodbye to your dad and hang up. You get hungry so you go to the kitchen and check what you have in the fridge. As you would expect, you have nothing. So you put on your shoes, grab your car keys and house keys and head to the nearest supermarket. When you're done, you put your groceries in your car and walk to your favorite café. You meet a good friend of yours who works in this cafe.*

Emma: I don't believe it! Y/N you are back in London.

Y/N: Yes I'm finally back.

Emma: You really have to tell me what New York was like.

Y/N: New York is just a dream, but also a lot of people.

Emma: How are things with your boyfriend? I haven't heard from you in such a long time

Y/N: Oh um, you know I'm only back in London because of him.

Emma: Oh no. Did something happen?

Y/N: Do you want the quick story or the long story?

Emma: The quick story is good enough for me

Y/N: We got engaged a year ago. I was really happy with him. But a month before the wedding, I found out that he cheated on me with Lara my best friend and not just once and that's why I'm here now.

Emma: I'm sorry about that. Men are just assholes. I prefer to stay with women.

Y/N: Have you found the right one yet?

*You talk to Emma a bit more. After twenty minutes you walk out and want to go to your car. You look around and don't see where you're going when you run into someone. You spill your entire tea all over his sweater*

Y/N: OMG, I'm so sorry.

?: Oh don't worry about it.



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