Part 21 "Amusement park"

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*Hey guys I'm going to make the font thicker in flashbacks. So you don't get confused*

*As you arrive at the airport, you pull your hood over your head and look down. Right now, you're not in the mood for any paparazzi. You don't know how, but they always find out where you are. Max pushes you through the whole crowd and you somehow try to hide your crying face. When you finally get to the VIP area, you sit down and scroll through Instagram for a bit. You see all the pictures and videos the fans are taking of you and Tom. There's also a picture in there, which is one of your favorites. It's a picture where you were all at a theme park and Tom won you a big teddy bear*

*You are happy like a little kid who just got a lot of candy from his grandparents. You haven't been to a theme park in years. Paddy came up with the great idea this morning and you immediately agreed. You didn't care at that moment that anyone would recognize you. You just want to enjoy moments like this*

T: Are you excited darling?

Y/N: I'm so excited. I haven't been to a theme park in Ages

T: Then it's time

P: Y/N! Let's go on a roller coaster!

*You smile at Paddy and take him for a ride on the roller coaster. You have to laugh so much because this feeling of being someone normal pleases you. When you come back, Tom smiles at you and gives you a hug*

T: I love it when you smile like that

*He gives you a kiss on the cheek and you continue walking. You notice Tom looking at you more often. Sometimes you catch him doing it, then he always immediately turns red and looks away. You always have to smile and notice that your heart starts beating a little more, but you ignore it. You pass a stand where you can win teddy bears. You look at the stand and notice that Tom puts an arm around your shoulder*

T: Would you like to have one?

*You look him in his beautiful eyes and nod. He goes to the booth and needs gets it, but somehow doesn't manage to win this teddy bear*

Y/N: Tom is okay. Let's just keep walking

T: No! One last time

*The others have gone to get something to eat. You look back at Tom and see that he has actually managed to win you this teddy bear. You run towards him and hug this teddy bear*

T: And what about me? Don't I get a hug? After all, I got you the teddy

*You smile briefly and hug him tightly. Tom squeezes you closer, which makes you smile. You move away from each other and look into each other's eyes*

T: Please don't ever lose your smile. Not even for a boy, because if that happens he doesn't deserve you

*He puts his hand on your cheek and caresses it with his thumb. He slowly gets closer to you, which you do. You're already pretty close to each other. You notice his warm breath on your lips. You didn't care if you were standing in the middle of an amusement park and everyone could see you but before you can close the gap you hear Paddy's voice and quickly walk apart*

*Back in reality you think about Tom's words. " Please never lose your smile. Not even for a boy, because if that happens he doesn't deserve you"*

Y/N: He doesn't deserve you....

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