Part 36 "the big Moment"

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*You notice kisses on your cheek, which perks you up. You smile because you know it's Tom*

T: We are here princess

Y/N: Do I get a kiss?

T: Later Princess

*You roll your eyes and get out of the car. When you get to the entrance it's time to say goodbye*

Y/N: Please don't do anything stupid when you're walking alone in Paris

T: We would never do that

S: Well actually-

*Tom hits Sam on the back of the head, which makes you laugh. You give Tom a kiss on the cheek and Sam a hug. After that you go inside and see that Emilia is already there*

E: Y/N!

Y/N: Hey

E: Come on, I'll take you to your seat. You will get ready and then you have to walk again in the shoes

*Emilia takes you to your place, where two girls come to do your hair*

E: Now you have a little time. Tell me everything

Y/N: I don't know where to start. After what all happened, I was just in bed for the day and the next day and didn't want to talk to anyone. There was a knock on the door, at first I thought you would be at the door. But all of a sudden Sam and Tom were at my door

E: Without saying anything?

Y/N: Yes. At first I hesitated, but then I opened the door because I knew I needed him in this situation. He immediately took me in his arms and carried me to bed. We talked and I also told him that he had hurt me. He apologized so many times. I'm sure it still hurts him now

E: It must hurt him, too. You really didn't look happy the last few days.

Y/N: I asked him right away where Nadia was, of course

*When Emilia hears the name Nadia, she just rolls her eyes. She used to work with her, but quit after a week because Nadia had so many demands*

E: Are they still together?

Y/N: If you let me finish, I'll tell you what happened next

E: What are you waiting for then?

Y/N: It's okay. He said that he is single but he has feelings for someone else. He was raving about her

E: Uhh I think I know where this is going

Y/N: I was the one he was in love with and had been all along. He was in love with me all the time, but he didn't want to admit it

E: And? Did you kiss?

*You nod and Emilia hugs you hastily*

Y/N: That was the most beautiful kiss in my whole life

E: I'm happy, so happy for you. It's about time he realized that, though. Has he asked you to be his girlfriend yet?

Y/N: No, not yet. I hope he does soon

*Emilia takes your hand and looks you in the eyes*

E: If he wouldn't do it, he would be stupid.

Y/N: Emilia!

E: what? It's like this

Stylist: Miss? You are done and you can go to rehearsal now

Y/N: Thank you.

*You stand up and your shoes are given to you and put on. After that you go to the stage and look around first*

Y/N: This is amazing

Choreographer: Alright girls, are you ready?

*all nod and then the rehearsal starts. You still can't believe that you are really here. A dream come true. After thirty minutes you're ready and getting ready*

E: And are you excited?

Y/N: More than excited. I want to finally get out of there

*Time jump performance*

Choreographer: Ok Y/N, you are the conclusion of this show

*you're excited and it means a lot to you. After almost everyone has walked it's your turn*

C: And go!

*you run out with the big wings and see everyone looking at you. In front you see Tom and Sam. Sam who smiles at you and cheers and Tom who stares and can't get his mouth closed. Which makes you laugh. You walk back again and end up swinging your hair again*

*Time jump after the performance* (sorry for so much time jumping)

*You are just finishing changing when Tom , Sam and Emilia come towards you. Tom comes running to you and lifts you up*

T: You don't know how proud I am of you. That was just fantastic

*You kiss and Tom sets you down again*

S: It really fantastic

E: Now enjoy the rest of your day. I have to go back now, but we'll talk on the phone, because I already have the next jobs for you again

*You hug each other tightly and Emilia leaves. Tom takes your hand and together you walk out of the big building. What you completely forgot at that moment is that paparazzi are following you*

-It is not my favorite part now, but I hope you like it anyway-

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