Part 14 "Thoughts"

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*You just smile at her and hold back your tears*

Y/N: I'm glad you're a fan of my dad, but I'm not my dad. I carry his last name, but I stand in front of them. Not my father. If you'll excuse me I'm going to go now.

*You take your jacket and say goodbye to everyone. You walk to the door and hear Tom calling your name. You ignore him and walk out the door. You notice that Tom is following you, so you walk faster, but Tom is faster. He takes your arm and turns you to him*

T: I'm sorry she said that. I told her not to mention it before.

Y/N: I really don't feel like talking about it.

T: You can't always run away from everything.

*Tears are coming and flowing down your cheek*

Y/N: Tell me how you would feel if everyone only talked about your dad? If everyone only knew you because you had the same last name. Not because you worked for it yourself. You did sports every day, you took care of your diet every day, or you didn't eat at all. How would the big Tom Holland feel?

*Tom just looks at you and is speechless. You take his hand and remove it from your arm*.

Y/N: I figured as much. Go back to your girlfriend and enjoy your evening. I just enjoy my evening alone

*You turn and leave*

T: Come on Y/N. Come back and we'll all have a nice evening together

*You ignore him and head home. When you arrive you put your stuff away and sit on the couch. You turn on the TV and get yourself another chocolate ice cream and a big spoon. You watch a movie and fall asleep.

*Toms Pov*

*I'm still watching her and I just don't know what to do. I understand her in one way, but in the other she doesn't overdo it?! I go back and already Nadia is waiting for me*

N: hey babe

T: Not now honey

N: Why? What's wrong?

T: I told you not to bring it up and yet you did.

N: I'm sorry

*I look into her beautiful eyes and can't stay mad at her*

T: It's alright baby. Come we sit down with the others

*I take her hand and go to the table with her. I see Sam giving me the mad look, which I just don't care about at this moment and just want to enjoy the evening with my girlfriend and my family. But I notice that my thoughts are with Y/N all the time*

N: are you alright?

T: mhm? Yes everything is fine. I was just thinking about something

N: I hope the thoughts were about me?

*She kissed my neck, which made me a little uncomfortable because we are sitting in front of my whole family. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't tell her that I was thinking about y/n.Actually my thoughts should be, with my girlfriend or?*

T: Um of course my thoughts are only with you.

*I kissed the back of her hand and tried to concentrate on the conversation. I think I should go to y/n tomorrow and talk to her*

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