Part 16 "talk"

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*You open your eyes fearfully and see Tom standing in front of you. You take his arm in front of you and hit him on his chest*

Y/N: Tell me, are you still all right? You scared me to death! I thought something else would happen to me now!

T: Are you done now? I have to talk to you!

Y/N: This could have been regulated in a different way. For example with a phone call or a message!

T: I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry

Y/N: What do you actually want?

T: I want to talk about yesterday

Y/N: But I don't want to talk about that!

*You break free from his grip again and keep running, but what you wouldn't have thought is that Tom is running after you*

T: I don't understand why you're being like this to me right now.

*You stop and look at Tom*

Y/N: It's pretty obvious that your girlfriend doesn't like me Tom.

T: I can't believe that. She is such a nice person

Y/N: You also always see something good in everyone Tom. That's also what I like about you

T: I don't want to lose you over a little fight like that, I wouldn't be able to take it

*You walk up to him and hold his hand. While holding it, you get that feeling of butterflies in your stomach again*

Y/N: You won't lose me only you have to know we women don't like it when men date other women.

T: We're just friends, you don't have to worry about it.

*You say softly to yourself "just friends"*

T: What did you say?

Y/N: Um, nothing. I have to go now too

T: wait

*He pulls you back so that you are suddenly very close to him and can feel his breath on your lips. You move away again and blush slightly*

T: do you want to go for a drink with me later, only without spilling your tea all over my clothes?

Y/N: TOM! That was not on purpose! But I would love to

T: Great, I'll pick you up at 3 p.m.

Y/N: Ok, I'm looking forward to it

*You keep running and hear Tom yelling*

T: Don't oversleep again

Y/N: I won't *you shout back laughing*
Tom's Outfit:

Y/N: I won't *you shout back laughing*—————————————————————————Tom's Outfit:

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