~Letter to Evaline and Rosalía~

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The day that Eva and Juan leave us is here

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The day that Eva and Juan leave us is here. We spent most of the days before, just healing thanks to Julio, but it was another reason to prove why them moving is the best option.

Francesco is a bit hurt that he is losing his right hand but he wants Juan to find his path.

As I want the same for my sister.

I sit in Francesco's office, we are building me one as well right now.

My office was always at the Santos mansion but I no longer live there of course. Julio made sure of that but after it was destroyed a bit, it made me realize that I needed a new path, my own path. My own home with my husband.

It has taken me time to get used to living in this place again after the years I took being away from it.

But it feels good to be here fully again.

We have brought my things from the mansion here and I have definitely taken over where furniture should go. But he is fine with it as long as I am with him.

I finally look at the letter and the book. It was a bit covered in blood but it is still readable.

It is folded up with the words "Letter to Evaline and Rosalía" written on it. I give it to Eva as she sits across from me. Chase written it of course and her being his daughter, she should read it first.

She takes it in her hands as I hold the book. I open it and I see that it is actually a journal.

I skim through the pages and he had written about his daily life being loyal to my parents. Caring for my mother and also loving her. He also wrote about Eva being born and knowing about my disappearance. He also wrote about when I first got kidnapped by Francesco and was brought to his place. But everyday was about how much he missed Eva, while not having the chance to know her.

He always thought about her and he wanted the best for her.

I cry a bit and I look up as I see her crying.

"I can't believe she kept this from me" she says.

I shake my head.
"Hey! Mamá had a good reason, you had to be a secret. She couldn't have you end up like me, you needed to be safe. Which meant sacrificing everything, please don't blame her. But you should read this journal, you need to understand everything".

She wipes her tears away and takes the journal.

She hands me the letter.
"It is written to you as well".

I nod and I look at the letter as I start reading.

My dear Evaline and Rosalía,

I am writing this letter because I feel like my voice was never heard as your mother's was. I am Evaline's father and if you are reading this then something bad happened. My identity has always been a risk for Evaline but Estrella as well. I was the one who made sure that you, Evaline would stay safe. Your sister, Rosalía will always be your side as you will do the same for her. You two are the last of the Santos and Evaline for my line. But most importantly I want you, Evaline to know that I have always loved you and I never forgot you. You will always be my little girl even though you never got to call me papá.

You are strong like your mother and your sister. I know it without even being there. I hope you won't hate me for staying away which is why my journal is documentation to help you and your sister know who I really was. I was here to protect you both in my own ways. That was my promise to your mother and Rosalía's father, Rosario.

I know you both will keep each other safe and also find your own happiness. Rosalía, I know throughout everything you will strive to be the better version of yourself everyday. When I first met you, I saw how similar you are to Rosario. Very strong and determined, you will carry on his legacy and he even today would be proud of you. And I really wish we got to know each other at least but I am glad I got to tell you the things you needed to hear. I won't be able to see it but I know you will do good things, Rosalía Santos.

Evaline, my daughter and my reason of being on this Earth for as long as I was, I hope you won't give up. I hope you will keep fighting for what you want and never let it go. You may have lost your mother and now I but you are never alone. You may be a Santos but you are also a Herrera. Soon or later, this last name will have meaning. Remember Herrera, my daughter.

My dear Evaline Marie Santos-Herrera, I will forever love you and I know you will change the world. Love you mi tesoro.
(Mi tesoro~ my treasure)

Chase Herrera

I look at Eva as she seems lost in her emotions. This must be a lot to handle at once but I know her having this will make her whole. I know not knowing her father had her confused and missing a puzzle piece.

Now having this letter and journal will help her understand the father she never knew. Chase was a good man, and he knew me more than I knew him.

He helped me as best as he could.

It sucks that he was taken from us. If he wasn't taken from us, I know he would be here instantly with his daughter.

I wouldn't care if anyone found out or not. I will always support my sister's happiness even if it made the world burn.

I hand her the letter and I smile slightly.

"He loved you and still does. Never forget that Eva".

She looks up from reading the journal and smiles.

"I won't.." she smiles as a tear went down her cheek.

The door opens and Juan walks in.

He looked at us concerned.

"I will give you two some space but right now she needs you now Juan.." I stand up as I walk out.

I wipe my last tears and I see Francesco waiting in the hallway.

"You okay muñequita?" He asks.

I nod and I stand by him.

"I am now. I am glad that letter found it's way to us but to her. She really needed that before they leave Barcelona. So now she can finally start anew, leave this behind but accept it. Time for a new chapter".

He nods and he holds me.

"Definitely. Speaking of a new chapter, are you ready for the treatments? Are you ready to start a family and a new beginning?" He ask.

I smile and I nod.

"I know we put it off for awhile but I am ready. I am ready for this journey, no matter how long it takes. As long as we have each other, we will get through this" I say.

He holds my hands and kisses them.

"Forever and always".

Roses and Lies | Darkest Love~Book 1|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang