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A word I would never have used or thought of until I met Francesco.

He has been my childhood friend, my enemy, my ally, my fuck buddy and now husband.

Marriage. I never had a good example of marriage set for me. My childhood was stolen from me and I can never get it back.

In these past years of learning about coming from a mafia family, I have experienced loss and betrayal but mainly love. Losing my mother was one of the worst losses I could have ever experienced. I thought I was going to have forever with her. See her watch my every experience in life, have kids and my kids meet their grandmother, and get to cry with my mother, celebrate every birthday and holiday with her. Just everything I wished that I could have with my mother.

But it was mainly hard for Eva. Estrella was her only parent and she grew up with our mother. To see our mother die for her was what turned our world upside down. Then a father who she never knew to die, it was hard and it changed her a bit. But to know that it could come to a point we would have to die for one another or lose one another. It was hard to digest. But we understood.

As I have grown, I have learned everything that I needed to be who I am now. I am a sister, a wife, a friend, a helping hand, a leader, a daughter and hopefully soon a mother.

I had thought for awhile since I lived in this world, me being a mother was bad luck. That my kids would get my misfortune and be miserable as they grow up. But honestly it was all wrong of me to think that. My children will get the love that I never got and they will understand this world because their father and I will guide them.

I will make this world a better place for them and everyone else who needs it to be better.

Roses were Ignacio's metaphors. He believed that every single thing in this world was fragile and that it could break apart at any given moment. But he was right, I am a rose but I won't let my petals fly away or break off. I was pure because my mind wasn't open to all the bad that was existing in the world.

But he changed that for me. He made me see the bad and realize that being a rose in this world is possible. That breaking apart at any given moment is possible but never horrible. Roses are the beauty that we tend to throw away but never appreciate when it's gone.

I was Ignacio's rose, I was the beauty he needed until he no longer needed me because I was breaking apart. I needed to break apart at the beginning to become a better rose. To become a stronger rose as I would put it.

And that is where I would say Francesco fell in love with me. He loved that I was a rose, that I was breaking apart but not letting anything consume me. He still won't tell me when he first really fell in love with me but I know when.

And that will always be our little secret.

But as I sit here in front of my husband and reminiscing on the memories, I smile.

Roses and Lies | Darkest Love~Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now