~On My Own~

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The wedding was cut short

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The wedding was cut short. The news of Estrella Santos dying was spread fast. Everyone was in shock and a vigil was held for her immediately.

I was blamed by a lot of people, saying I was the cause of her death because I became known into the world.

My mother sacrificed a lot and no one would understand. My sister and I haven't been speaking to each other as much. I know our mother would have wanted us to be close but I feel like I barely know her to even understand her.

We do need each other in this time but she hasn't been bothering with me. She is still at the house and I have went over once but the guards said she didn't want to see me.

I know she doesn't blame me for our mother's death but I know she is blaming herself. Which is not her fault at all. I will deal with Ignacio, he will get the consequences he deserves.

These past few days I found that a few years later after Rosario died, my mother found love again and had my sister, Eva.

She didn't tell me because she also wanted to keep Eva a secret. If they knew Estrella had another daughter then she could be used as leverage, a leverage that she couldn't risk after already losing me. I know this because Estrella wrote a letter about everything.

Like if she knew she was going to die and she was prepared. She made arrangements that seemed too prepared. She left the mansion under my name but to be honest it should be under Eva's name. She has lived there longer and I am married now.

I will let Eva do what she needs to do with everything. She was closer to Estrella than I could ever be.

I walk to Francesco's office and I open his door slowly. I see him at his desk and he is looking through folders. I walk to him and I sit down in front of him.

"So... I was thinking of going back to my mother's house to check up on my sister again?" I say.

He looks up from the folders.

"That is fine.. I will have a car prepared for you later. Please notify me when you get there and when you are leaving" he says.

I nod. Since everyone now knows Francesco and I are married and living here in Barcelona. We had to take precautions. We never know what anyone has up their selves lately. It is a dangerous world out here.

He goes back to looking through the folders. He has been very tense lately. We have Ignacio in hostage but he is still looking for Ana. We know she will come looking for her husband but she won't come without a fight.

Francesco hasn't allowed me to see Ignacio. He feels that it would be too much for me to have a 1 to 1 talk with him. But I disagree, this fucker killed the woman who gave up everything to protect me.

He will pay. I haven't told Francesco because I would feel this would change his view on me in his mind. But all I have on my mind is killing Ignacio.

And it hurts to know that this is all that is on my mind. But he has caused my life to be literal hell. I wanted to find a way to change him but guys like him can't be changed.

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