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I look at them both with a worried look because if Francesco knows that this is going on then they will be punished

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I look at them both with a worried look because if Francesco knows that this is going on then they will be punished. I don't need more people I care about to be hurt.

I look at Raf and I shake my head.
"Raf you need to leave now, if he finds out you're in my room. It won't be pretty. How did you even get in here?".

He smiles.
"I used my ways. But it's time we have a chat my dear Rosalía".

I laugh.
Why he said it like that? So not him to say that.

I sit down on my bed as he gestured to it since I have barely any furniture in my small room.

Evelyn stays quiet as he talks.

"So Rosalía before I continue do not react or scream. Or do whatever that will cause that guard of yours to come into here".

I nod slowly, he's scaring me.

"I still work with your parents and I will be bringing you back to Ignacio. Tonight".

My heart stops. He's actually not fucking dead but not surprised. How could Raf work with him knowing what he has done?

"I am not going back to him. I want nothing to do with him. He's not even my actual father. So no I will not be going" I say.

Evelyn smirks.
"I knew she will say that Rafael. Stubborn like Estrella but strong like him also. I was right about her progress".

What the fuck? Who the fuck is Estrella? I can't believe I put trust into Evelyn.

Francesco doesn't even know his ally and cook is friends with his enemy. What a joke.

I look at her and she no longer seems like the Evelyn I knew.
"Evelyn so I guess the whole act you put on for me was just a lie. My dear papá who is a killer but turns out you support and help him. I feel sorry for you".

Her head turns to me and she smirks. She gets up from the seat as she goes to me. She tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear as she looks at my face.

"Honey... I feel sorry for you. You have no clue who you actually are and what power you hold. If I was you, I would shut my mouth and be a good girl. You're just like your mother" she says calmly.

My mother? Aná?

"You know Aná?" I ask.

"Of course I know Aná but I mean your real mother Rosalía. Her name is Estrella Santos and I have history with her. That woman is a bitch and didn't deserve what she got" she says with disgust.

My real mother. Wait...she never said was. She's alive.

I always wondered about my real family which is odd because I can't remember a single thing about them. But growing up I knew I was different and my real family is the answer. If my mother is alive, I could know.

Roses and Lies | Darkest Love~Book 1|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat