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I shake my head

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I shake my head.
"Where did this sudden change come from? Last time I checked you had made it very clear you wanted nothing to do with me in that way".

He nods.
"I know that. But last time I chickened out on claiming what is mine, I lost her. I won't make that mistake again" he says.

Wow. He is being serious. Has he changed?

"So.. what happens now then?" I ask.

He looks around before he faces me again.

"I know I have no ring for you but I feel as I should do this right" he says.

"Do what?" I ask confused.

He starts to bend his leg and I realize what he is doing. Shit shit shit!

He gets on his knee and looks up at me.

"Ros.. Aura Rosalía Santos, will you marry me?".

Did those words really come out of the mouth of one of the known mafia leaders in Spain?

Am I really doing this? Is this wrong?

This is just for the pact.. right? No feelings involved. There can't be any involved. But I want it to be involved, does he? Is he just doing it for the pact?

I go to answer but Catalina gasp.

Why was that gasp so loud?

"Francesco what the actual fuck? You are seriously proposing to this slut?!" she yells.

Who is she calling slut?

Francesco gets off his knee and stands next to me.
"Catalina shut up for christ sake! Fuck!" He gets upset.

She shakes her head and glares at me.

What the fuck did I do to this bitch? Seriously!

I decide to give her a taste of her own medicine and I smile. I take his hand and I nod as I look at him.
"I will marry you.. Francesco.."I smile.

He looks shocked and I pull him to me to kiss him. I keep kissing him and he eventually responds to my kisses. We stop as we realize that Catalina is still there.

She is still looking at me and sighs. I can tell she has accepted that nothing will change. Her threats have no power, this marriage will happen whether she likes it or not.

She walks to me.
"Do you seriously care for my brother? The Valentinos? You're not just using us?" She ask in her stern tone.

I shake my head.
"I am not using anyone Catalina. I just found out who I really am, I'm not your enemy I swear. I do care for Francesco, more than I knew I could".

She looks at me for a second and nods.

"Fine whatever. Get married but that doesn't mean I fully trust you. But I also want nothing but happiness for my brother. So if you jeopardize that, I will make your life miserable. I can promise that".

Roses and Lies | Darkest Love~Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now