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28 years ago

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28 years ago...

I have been working for Estrella and Rosario Santos for a year now. I have been assigned to be at their aid and swear to an oath that I will never betray them.

They once had a guy like me before them but he became obsessive and power hungry. From what I heard, his name is Ignacio Santiago. Him and his wife, Aná are ruthless people and people here in Barcelona truly do fear him.

Rosario doubts my every motive I have because of his past with Ignacio but one thing I can say is that I am loyal to whoever I promise to be loyal to.

Over the course of the year, I have grown close to Estrella. Got to understand her mindset and values. She is a smart woman must I say. But a pure woman as well.

She has guided her husband through every downfall and dark path, which makes them so united. So strong together.

Recently, there was an arrangement made with the Santos and Valentinos. They are close and very reliant to each other. But the arrangement is the first born daughter of Estrella and Rosario will marry the only son, Francesco Valentino of Valeria and Ares Valentino.

Francesco is only 5, he has been raised by Valeria and Ares to be very skilled as he will one day take over the family name. His younger sister, Catalina has been destined for greatness as well. Ares has been training his daughter and she is only 2. Valeria and Ares is very strict and focused on making their children to be greater.

Which I know by what I see that they will be. I am only 27, so what do I know?

"Chase, can you join me in my office please" the words I hear that comes from Estrella.

I nod as I follow her to her office.

"Yes ma'am?" I ask.

She sits down comfortably in her chair and smiles.

"So my husband and I just found out that we are expecting.. it's very early but a good possibility that they are twins. But I need you to promise me one thing".

I nod.

"Whatever that may come after all of this, swear that you will protect my children. Watch over them if the time comes that we may lose them or something gets in the way. Whatever you may do that will keep your sights on my children".

I nod.
"Of course Mrs. Santos".

She smiles slightly.

I notice a vase of roses on her desk and the petals are falling one by one.

As if something is coming... whatever that may be.


I walk back to my room and I walk to my desk. I sit down as I take out my journal. I have been writing down every day of every moment I have encountered or heard of Rosalía. After death, I am still upholding my promise to Estrella.

I will watch over her daughter until the day I die. Eva is not my responsibility because Estrella knew that Rosalía will protect her. But Eva isn't a target because of who her father is.

Eva's father is... me.

After the death of Rosario and Rosalía going missing, Estrella and I grew very very close. Too close that if Rosario knew, he may have killed me.

But she had no one else but me. We ended up concieving Eva. Evaline, my daughter.

There hasn't been a day where I didn't want to leave this place and go find her. But I can't... she may never know the truth.

Estrella and I made the deal that we will use a fake name to Eva and say that I died.

It was better that I wasn't in her life because I was just an aid to Estrella and Rosario. What difference would I make being in Evaline's life? None.

But I trust Rosalía and I know she will care for her sister.

Because that is who she is. She is strong like her father and pure like her mother.

I would know.

But when I die, I want Rosalia to have this journal and even share it with Eva.

That is when she can know who I am. I may seem crazy for not wanting to be in her life or let her know who I am.

But I need my daughter to be protected in every way possible. And already now that people are knowing that Rosalía is her half sister is already the attention she needs.

That is why my choice to stay in the Valentino household has always remained. Stepping foot into Barcelona will only bring up a past that Estrella and I both buried.

One that we remain to keep a secret.

Time will tell.

*short chapter, just wanted to give an insight about Chase. He was a mysterious guy for awhile but had to give him his storyline as well. How do we feel about finally knowing the truth about Eva's father? Are we heartbroken by it? Or is it for the best?

Roses and Lies | Darkest Love~Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now