~The Confrontation~

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I am so fucking sore after last night

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I am so fucking sore after last night. Juan ended up kicking my ass repeatedly. I guess I am getting a bit rusty after not doing much. He let me get a bit jabs in though. I got to work more with weapons and I must say knives are my specialty now.

A lot of hand work but it is getting better.

Today is the day that I confront Ignacio and Ana. End this once and for all. I am tired of running from my past.

I have accepted it and realized it made me who I am today.

As I sit on the bed, Francesco walks in. He looks at me.

"Ready muñequita?".

I nod and we head to underground. I never come down here because it is Francesco's way of protecting me from seeing what he does. Which I think is better for me, but I feel like since I will be taking over for my mother, I should learn.

It is dark and quiet. All you can hear is us walking and it slightly reminds me of when I was kidnapped by Francesco.

Lights suddenly turns on and I see Ignacio and Ana sitting back-to-back. They both look tired, and they were both already bleeding. Someone definitely took turns in beating them.

I try not to let my childhood self feel sympathy for them. They tortured me mentally and emotionally and I won't get that back.

Ana turns to me and sees me.

Her eyes goes wide, and Ignacio looks at us.

"Isn't it the new Mr. and Mrs.? How cute?" He laughs.

Francesco swings his fist back and punches him in the face, he winces. I look at Francesco and I start to see his other side, the side that he shields me from. 

He kneels down in front of Ignacio and pulls out his gun.

"Ok so now... you see. I'm not going to kill you until Rosalía gives me the okay, so you may thank her for letting you have a few more minutes of life" he says.

Ignacio looks at me and smiles sarcastically. 
"Gracias hija".

I shake my head.

"I am not your daughter. I never was".

Ana looks down as I say that and I go in front of her. I kneel down and I look at her.

"You were supposed to love me and be my mother. But you lied to me and used me. You allowed him to hurt me... how could you?".

She stays quiet and I look at Francesco.

He nods and I take a deep breath. I can't believe I am going to do this, but I need answers.

I reach into my back pocket, as I take my knife out swiftly and I stab her in the leg with my knife. She screams out in pain and winces. Blood oozes out pretty fast considering I stabbed her in an open flesh wound. 

"Now... I asked you a question. How could you lie to me and allow him to hurt me? Answer."

She cries and Ignacio shakes his head.

"Child.. torture won't get you answers. You should know that".

She yells out as the pain builds more rapidly. 
"I had to lie. Ignacio craved power and I must admit after a while I started to crave it as well. You are in control of so much and you don't even realize it. It's a waste and you're here with Francesco".

"So, you pretended to be my mother for power...".

She nods.

"Not everyone is nice in this world. Need to open your eyes and realize it Rosalía".

She keeps whimpering in pain and I look at her.

"Did you ever love me like a daughter?" I ask.

She looks at me shocked as she didn't expect that question.

"Did you or did you not?" I ask again.

She starts stuttering.

"I—- " she says.

I close my eyes and I shake away the emotions. 

"That's what I thought".

I look at Francesco.

"I am done here but not yet. I am not done with these two.. yet".

He nods and I walk out.

I now know in my heart that they used me and that was all I was to them. Leverage.

I head back to the gym and I start taking punches at the bag. I keep practicing the moves but with all the anger inside me, I grab the knife from my side and I slashed it open.

I scream and I start to cry.

I fall to the ground and the tears flow out of my eyes.

To hear that there was no love for me at all by them was the last thing I wanted to know. To know that every kiss on the forehead but the little occasional hugs as well was a lie.

They were already cold parents to me but the single affection they would hardly give me was a lie.

I hear the door open and I see Francesco standing at the doorframe.

I look at him and he sees my face. He walks towards me and sits down with me.

He just pulls me into his arms and says nothing. He knows that is all I need. No talking, just silence and comfort.

It was hard to accept comfort from him but I was willing because I never got it much from Ignacio and Aná.

"I want to take you away from here, just for a few days. A little getaway, whenever you're ready just say the word and we will go" he whispers as he holds me. 

I nod and keep holding onto him. I am glad that I have him, I don't know where I would be right now without him to be honest. He has changed so much little by little every day. My love has grown for him, and he doesn't even know that it has.

I wipe my tears and I look at him.

"I need to talk to him again. Get some truth even if it's one step at a time".

He nods and he picks me up as he stands up. I walk with him back to the room. Juan is already standing over them and he grabs Aná by her arm. He takes her out and Ignacio is looking down at the ground.

I take the chair Aná was sitting on and I put it in front of him. I sit down and I sigh as I prepare myself for whatever will come next.

I look at him and he raised his head up. He states at me in the eyes and looks at me.

"Finally came back for more" he smiles.

I nod.
"Tell me about Rosario."

He nods.

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