~Charity Pt.1~

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As Catalina is driving, I stare out the window

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As Catalina is driving, I stare out the window. She is watching me every five seconds to make sure I don't escape.

Freedom is looking really good out of this window right now. I can't wait to be home, back with mamá and hopefully papá.. wherever the hell he is.

We finally reach to this mall and honestly by looking at the structure of it, I don't feel like I belong. This whole building looks expensive and I haven't even been inside yet.

She drives up and I get out after she does. I stand waiting and she gives her keys to the valet. She looks at me and starts walking. I guess that means to follow her.

I follow behind her and I look around as we reach inside. There is a store everywhere I look. I can name them— Cartier, Gucci, Burberry, Balenciaga, and other boutiques.

Her phone starts ringing, and she sounds upset by the tone of her voice.

"Necesito mi maldito dinero antes de la medianoche. ¡Juro que los mataré hasta el último de ustedes hasta que consiga lo que quiero!".
(I need my fucking money by midnight! I swear I'll kill every last one of you until I get what I want!")

I stay quiet and I try to ignore her comment. Is she actually going to kill whoever she is speaking to?

She hangs up and we walk into some boutique. A lady walks up to us immediately and she seems intimidated by Catalina.

She looks at the ground and speaks softly.

"¡Encantado de volver a verla Ms. Valentino! ¿Cómo puedo ayudarte hoy?".
(Nice to see you again Ms. Valentino! How can I help you today?)

She looks at her and yells.

"Cuando venga aquí, tienes que mirarme a los ojos. Es muy grosero mirar al suelo mientras me saluda!"(When I come here, you have to look me in the eyes. It is very rude to look at the ground while greeting me!")

The lady nods and looks at her in the eyes.

"Lo siento Ms. Valentino. No volveré a cometer ese error."(I am sorry Ms. Valentino. I will not make that mistake again.)

She nods. Then turns to me.

"Mi hermano tiene a esta mujer como cita esta noche para su caridad. Así que haz tu mejor esfuerzo para que se vea elegante. Ella necesita la ayuda, muy mal."( My brother has this woman as a date tonight for his charity. So try your best to make it look elegant. She needs the help, very bad.)

The lady nods and I look at Catalina. Did she really just say I need help? There's nothing wrong with how I dress.

The lady takes my arm and to the back of the boutique. She sits me down and starts gathering dresses. I watch at how fast and quick she is going. This poor woman, Catalina has her so scared.

I stand up and stop her.

"No necesitas tenerle miedo. Además, no soy como ella, así que no tienes que apresúrate."( You do not need to be afraid of her. Also, I'm not like her, so you don't need to rush.)

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